Tutorial how to create a well or fountain.

Tutorial Fountain/Well
- English
- Deirdre
Thank you! Can't wait to try this out!
Can someone please explain how to rotate and resize the stone blocks, it makes no sense, OP doesn't even have those stone blocks in their working inventory, instead shuffles wood beams about and a stone block magically appears, and when I place blocks I see an outline not the block itself.
You cannot rotate and resize blocks. Circles only work with woodplanks and woodbeams.
The blocks are only the background for rotate the wooden planks/beams with the grid.Maybe this guide could help you.
http://steamcommunity.com/shar…filedetails/?id=668126538 -
But your using stone blocks, thats what I dont understand..... At 3:30 in that video, thats a stone block and it's being resized/rotated?
Or is there some way to make the wood look like stone?
Ah I see. You're meaning the stone texture on the woodbeams?
Open the console with ^item woodbeam 64 ID, or item woodplank 64 ID.
I I was using ID 23.
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