No authentication possible

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • hello i just got rising word its a great game i i was try to play online and it was saying No authentication possible so i seen that i wasnt conneted to the server and my name comes up as unnamed or something like that never played online on this game is there something i have to sign up for to playonline Plz help really injoy the game

  • This indicates that your connection to our servers is blocked, most likely by an antivirus software or firewall. What antivirus software do you use exactly? Especially Kaspersky is known to cause trouble (even if you disable it).
    Since the game tries to establish an encrypted SSL connection, it's also important that your system time and date is set correctly ;)

  • i have alread uninstalled my avast off my pc i was talking to a friend that has the game and and he said he had to do a sign in before he stated to play and i didnt have to i think that has something to with the online

  • i have alread uninstalled my avast off my pc i was talking to a friend that has the game and and he said he had to do a sign in before he stated to play and i didnt have to i think that has something to with the online

    When Avast is disabled (and you don't have any other antivirus software), make sure the "risingworld.exe" as well as "java.exe" are not blocked by your Windows firewall (or disable the firewall temporarily). Also make sure that your system date is set correctly.

  • ok my time is right and i have turn my firewall off but still dosent work uninstalled my avast so i dont know what to do anymore i have uninstalled the game 4 time and still dosent work need help

  • do you have to sign in to something to play online?

    Do you have the Steamversion or Standalone (from our website)? When using the Steamversion, a registration form does appear the first time you start the game. You have to create an account there (or login with an existing one), then your Steam account is linked with that username.
    Only exception: When no connection to our HIVE server is possible, the registration will be skipped, but you will not be able to play online then.

    Please try this: Go to your game directory (steamversion: rightclick on rw in steam -> properties -> local files -> browse local files), open the file with a texteditor and set "game_debug_console" to true. Save the file and start the game again, once you're in the main menu, you can quit the game and go to the "Logs" subfolder in your game directory. There should be a new file now (just a long number in its name), please open it with a texteditor, copy the content and paste it here.

  • Rising World -
    12/21/2015 07:56 PM

    Initialize HIVE...
    content.Launcher INFO: HIVE is initialized
    OS: Windows 8.1 (x64) 6.3 Java: 1.8.0_65 amd64 (Steam)
    AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor, M5A97 LE R2.0, 17074 MB (1908 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670

    GL_ARB_draw_instanced = true GL_ARB_instanced_arrays = true
    Initialize Static Classes...
    Collision Shapes initialized!
    Constructions initialized!
    Items initialized!
    Objects initialized!
    Plants initialized!
    Picking initialized!
    Food-Definitions initialized!
    NPCs initialized!
    Crafting-Definitions initialized!
    Initialize Default Options...
    1280 X 720
    SSL SOCKET Connection timed out: connect
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at de.jiw.bytenetwork.client.ByteNetworkClient.connect(
    at content.Game.initApplication(SourceFile:1006)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:82)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.initInThread(
    at Source)
    HIVE is not reachable, using offline mode...
    Initialize Materials...
    Initialize RenderingSettings...
    Initialize SerializerRegistrations...
    Initialize FMod for Windows64 ...
    load fmod64.dll resource: /fmodjava-natives/native/windows/lowlevel/fmod64.dll
    (1893888 Bytes)... successful
    load fmodL64.dll resource: /fmodjava-natives/native/windows/lowlevel/fmodL64.dll
    (2024448 Bytes)...Initialize InputMappings...
    Initialize Bulletphysics...
    load fmodstudio64.dll resource: /fmodjava-natives/native/windows/studio/fmodstudio64.dll
    (2888704 Bytes)... successful
    load fmodstudioL64.dll resource: /fmodjava-natives/native/windows/studio/fmodstudioL64.dll
    (3661312 Bytes)... successful
    load JavaFMod64.dll resource: /fmodjava-natives/jni/windows/JavaFMod64.dll
    (86016 Bytes)...Initialize IngameContext...
    ... finished
    (0) Speakers (2- Afterglow PS4 Headset), STEREO, 2, 44100
    (1) Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio De..., STEREO, 2, 44100
    (2) Speakers (High Definition Audio Device), STEREO, 2, 44100

    Initialize LocalPlayer...
    Initialize AppStates...
    com.jme3.animation.SkeletonControl INFO: Hardware skinning engaged for LocalPlayer_Chest (Node)
    warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision!
    Initialize Music...
    Initialize Sounds...
    content.Game INFO: FMOD Driver: Speakers (2- Afterglow PS4 Headset) ID: 0
    content.Game INFO: FMOD Mode: STEREO Channels: 2 Systemrate: 44,100
    90336352 bytes loaded
    Initialize GUI...
    com.jme3.texture.plugins.DDSLoader WARNING: Got 11 mipmaps, expected 12
    Unable to read from file: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\server.favorites (The system cannot find the file specified)
    screenresolution 1280x720
    aspect ratio 16:9
    loading texture dimension: 1280x720
    Initialize PostProcessFilters...
    GrassOccludeProcessor initialized!
    skip registration/login
    Loadingtime: 27.16 seconds
    Hive disconnect:

  • Thanks for the log! Connection timed out: connect

    As suspected, the game is unable to establish a connection to the HIVE server... There must be a program blocking the connection. Do you have any other security programs installed aside of Avast?
    Make sure you allow "risingworldx64.exe" (steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\risingworldx64.exe) as well as "java.exe" (steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\java\bin\java.exe) in the Windows Firewall. Do you also use another firewall?

    What happens when you visit ? Do you get a warning (or page not found etc), or can you visit this page without any problems?

  • skip registration/login it never had me do that dont have firewall on or anything like that i have looked over everything i can also go to the web site and login i have also add risingworld64 and java to the fire wall just in case

  • Maybe do a fresh reinstall of the game (delete it) after backing up your singleplayer world, then see if you get the sign-up registration form.

    1. create a backup of the Worlds folder that is inside your steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\
    by copying that folder outside of that directory
    2. delete the game through steam ( right-click rising world on steam click on properties > (tab) local files -> delete local game content
    3. reinstall it
    4. copy your worlds folder back into the fresh installed steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\ directory
    5. start the game fingers crossed

    -if you get the registration form start doing the happy dance ( but reply that it worked )
    -if you don't get the registration form, come back here and yell HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.

    I just figured maybe the game never shows registration form again even after no antivirus and windows firewall because it thinks you've already done that.

    I might suggest to turn off your router firewall if it has one, just to test it out without it enabled but i'm no expert just passing through trying to find a solution for ya.

    Good luck :thumbsup:

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