block shapes

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • hi, great game, love it, excellent work and thanks to creators :thumbup: perhaps be good to have some meshes for gothic arch shapes and curved blocks in order to built round towers?

  • I'd love a simple outside quarter round block, the opposite if the inside quarter round.
    I'd also love to see blocks that can be nested into a single block outline, like two of the slope blocks occupying one block area to make a block that is two textures. Also A way to change one face texture so interior and exteriors can be different textures without being two blocks thick.

  • I'd love a simple outside quarter round block, the opposite if the inside quarter round.
    I'd also love to see blocks that can be nested into a single block outline, like two of the slope blocks occupying one block area to make a block that is two textures. Also A way to change one face texture so interior and exteriors can be different textures without being two blocks thick.

    I like this idea. I already suggested something similar in another thread, like expandable block sizes. Something similar to the click-and-drag to place multiple blocks, when you click and drag cylinder blocks have the option to either place multiple cylinders or expand the base radius of the block by dragging it diagonally.

    I really like the multiple texture idea. I think this could be a great UI update, something akin to the HALO Creative mode.

    I think it'd be interesting to be able to create multiple blocks of varying degrees of rotation, I'm not sure if this is already implemented, but you know the rotation graphic you can click in the upper left hand of the block window to stop the automatic rotation? What if it were functional, and the blocks stayed at that rotation? (with option to snap to grid) and you could flip certain blocks (Cylinders, stairs, slopes, etc.) 90 degrees for sideways fencing, walls, etc.?

    I love gothic arches, too. I'm trying to build a somewhat recognizable castle in my own world and it's either going to be ridiculously huge in comparison to the real life one to seem pixelated in form or it's going to be a future update of the creation/crafting system. Probably both.

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