Terms and conditions missing from website

  • When I start the game for the first time, it requires me to check a box saying I've read the Terms and Conditions and the EULA. However, the links to those documents go to a URL with no target. The link for the terms and conditions is https://www.rising-world.net/documents/en/agb.html. It get an HTTP 404 error with that URL. The same happens for the EULA. I found a copy of the EULA on steam, but I haven't found the terms and conditions yet. (I looked last Saturday and gave up and tried again today with the same issue.) This is blocking me from playing the game. I refuse to check a box saying I've read something if I haven't read it, but I can't read it because I can't find a copy.

  • Sorry about the downtime! The homepage should be online now, if you still get the 404 error, it may take a short time until your dns settings are fully updated (you can try to press Windowskey+R and type "ipconfig /flushdns", but sometimes it also depends on your ISP)

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