hunting knife and other stuff

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
  • Just a few questions:

    1.) I noticed the hunting knife model is still present in the jars but I haven't been able (or I do not know how to) craft it since i purchased the game (around the time ores were added).
    2.) Also, adjustment of flying speed does not work in the surreal world-type
    3.) Is there a way to adjust the amplification of the mountain formation in surreal mode? I'd like to tone it down a little
    4.) The terrain in surreal mode is fairly normal around chunk borders. Is there any plan to fix this?
    5.) When can we play with the 4x4? :-) :-) :-)
    6.) Will the original furnace model (the one with the door) ever come back?
    7.) Older builds had a thin slanted block. This would be nice to have
    8.) a 1/4 cylinder block to compliment the half cylinder. I thought about this when trying to make corners on rounded banisters.

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