My "should be fixed/improved" list

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  • So, after having played for a while, I made a short list of things that are bothering me at the moment:

    1- Bright white chunks appearing and disappearing in the distance when moving, especially in the mountain areas. Even though I don’t know if this an issue depending on my hardware (GTX 970), this is quite annoying and atmosphere breaking.

    2- Ability to see through matter. Especially annoying in caves when you can see behind the rock walls but it also happens with construction elements.

    3- Light passing through walls. Light, natural and artificial should only pass through openings.

    4- Construction still too “Mincraftish” and limiting. For me, it would be perfect if we could also build in a 45° fashion and have a 1:2 scale available for every blocks. However, if the modular/resizing/rotating system currently implemented with wood beams could be also implemented for every blocks it would make the construction system totally limitless. No scale and angle limitation, this is the absolute builder dream.
    Also, a tool to build round walls would be very welcome (es. A circle that could be drawn and wuold could act like the grid by snapping blocks on its tangents).

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