Pets like cats and dogs and pigs. Alarm dogs growl when danger nearby.

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  • We could find catnip plants that grow in the wild and use them to tame a cat. It pretty much gives me an idea that they will have to like you enough to be accepted by you. Maybe give them a couple of fish or catnip and grow some on your farm patch.

    Taming a dog with bones that randomly spawn around that looks like predators has been there. Or if your digging around and you find some that is buried. Dogs may be more useful to tell if there is predators near by as they are growling. They bark or whine at times. Would it be great to teach a dog to hunt and come back with something rare as treasure. There could be a option menu on the pets on what we can make them do, such as tricks or go fetch. Could our dogs be smart to go into a chest and retrieve us what we want, such as an item. Different breeds of dogs would be nice.

    There is pigs that is smart as or smarter than dogs. Taming pigs with their favorite kind of food. i seen them do puzzles and good with color matching. They could have a few toys to play with to keep themselves busy such as the cats & dogs.

  • Trying to find out what cats eat so we can give them that instead of 'wild catnip plants'. I would say we would have to cook up specific cat food, or even fry up a fish to offer them. It has to be a bit on the meaty side that it could be a bird, a fish, part of a cow or pig, or whichever while also making some 'realistic' sense.

    Similar thing for dogs that instead of bones we would have to give them some meaty substance. As long as it contains meat they would be your friend in a bit. That, and cheese. Cheese should be their special 'happy' snack.

    I love the idea of sending them out to see if they can come back with loot. If we can give them little dog bags then they could come back with 1-5 items to gift us. That could be one of those random behavior things also (after taming) with an option to even bring stuff back. Another thing you mentioned is asking them to bring stuff to you. For that to work I guess we would have to be given a circle menu command while teaching them what items are special for them to go back & fetch them, if it's easy to get to. If players are being cruel bastards then they'll just stay where they are, refusing to get it for you. I'm even liking the whole idea of "dogs growling" that you could be alerted when hostile animals wander in, or when we "MIGHT" have roaming NPCs to make note of.

    This is Rising World so I'd love to eventually see pet pigs (I've seen one in person as a pet), even other sorts of animals. Even foxes have been turned into pets that I'd love to eventually offer fish, lemmings, & such to an arctic fox to be my cuddly pet.


    One thing that Rising World needs to do (that Minecraft fails on) is to assign a radius for them to wander around. WHen told to 'sit' they should just wander the area you assigned to them to keep them there. They shouldn't teleport to you when they're lost or far away. They should just wander back to their base, or continue making their way to you. It should all depend on loyalty then.

    As a bonus they should also tend to their own hunger & thirst. Once you set up a food source for them they should eat their own food from their own food supplier + even try hunting in the wild if they get too hungry. Once we get rivers this should be made easier for them (possibly). All depends where we build our base though.

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