Clear Stars in the Sky

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • It seems like the stars in the sky are very fuzzy and don't look real. Everything else in the game is so clear and full of details that they don't really belong in Rising World. Would it be possible to make them look more like real stars? Thanks for all your hard work on this enterprise - very nice so far.

  • That's great to hear. It will make the night environment look wonderful and feel more immersive. Will there be any star constellations? It might also be fun to place the North Star in the game. Perhaps a user could even use it to navigate from, not because it is essential due to the upcoming map functionality, but just for fun. Please know that I do appreciate how many things the development team is trying to accomplish right now, and many player suggestions will need to wait or may never be implemented. In the distant future it might be exciting to actually add a calendar year to the game. The constellations would be set with some reasonable accuracy for the 1st of January. With each new sunset the constellations would move into their new positions until the end of the year. At this point the night sky would reset for the 1st night in January. So many possibilities in Rising World!

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