Linux Fatal Error on Launch

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  • I haven't played for the last few updates. When I launched the game today it crashed on launch with the following error:

    I'm using Ubuntu 15.04. Any other info needed just ask. Thanks.

  • Thanks for the error message, it's a problem with lwjgl in combination with xrandr. Do you have a TV connected to your computer?
    Please try this: Rightclick on rising world in steam -> properties -> betas -> select "linux - Lwjgl xrandr fix" and try to run the game again. Eventually delete the "" file in your game directory (steam/steamapps/common/rising world). Does it work then?

  • I running it on a Laptop but I have the laptop screen off and its displayed on a roughly 20" monitor. Using the Linux LWJGL beta option fixed the problem. Do I still need to delete Thanks for your help.

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