After the hotfix. Wading Pools and Hot tubs

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  • After the Water update and the hot fix. There were some improvements.

    My old worlds now work fine

    Now about the water. After the hotfix I noticed a few things.
    1. There are no Inland bodies of water Lager then a child's wading pool or a small hot tub.
    2. The Sandy beaches seem to have disappeared too.
    3. There need to be large lakes inland. I Saw a few inland lakes on Steam screenshots this morning but I believe they were all terrain edited.

    I have created quite a few new worlds and still see no inland lakes of any large consequence. I Have seen the ocean and some nice inlets but no inland lakes of any larger size.
    I do not believe red spent 6 months on this update and did not have this program automatically generate any large inland lakes . It must be some kind of bug.

    If anyone has any seeds showing larger inland lakes, please share them.

    If you have created a previous world and explored it a lot . You will have to add your own water. After the hotfix , old worlds are fine,
    The water looks good. It does look kind of funky if you terrain edit it and set it on top of the ground. You have to dig down a bit before placing the water or you get a mess.
    I am sure theses issues will get sorted out.

  • 1. There are no Inland bodies of water Lager then a child's wading pool or a small hot tub.

    You can find lakes, they're relatively big. They barely spawned in the initial water release, but this has been changed in the hotfix.

    2. The Sandy beaches seem to have disappeared too.

    That's strange =O That should not happen ?(

    3. There need to be large lakes inland. I Saw a few inland lakes on Steam screenshots this morning but I believe they were all terrain edited.

    Nope, none of these screenshots have been terrain edtied, those are natural structures. You also find some user screenshots of lakes on Steam:…filedetails/?id=691348995 or…filedetails/?id=691362885

    If anyone has any seeds showing larger inland lakes, please share them.

    You can try the seed "Lake" (case sensitive), usually you should spawn next to a lake then ^^

    You have to dig down a bit before placing the water or you get a mess

    Yeah, that's true... It's also recommendable to use the height limitation (by pressing return) to get a flat water surface.

  • Red,
    I see plenty of bodies of water. But they appear to be oceans. Those are working fine. However once you fly over the forests, or mountains , the water turns into little Pools in the middle of forests, They look more like back yard fish ponds. If we look at real world samples we normally see rivers that snake through the mountain valleys. Am I mistaking you oceans for large lakes ?

  • The ocean biomes are always surrounded by beach. Lakes on the other hand only spawn in grass biomes, as you can see on the screenshots above.

    Ok that is where I was getting confused. Sandy Beaches are indications of oceans and the "Lakes: Are surrounded by Rocks and grass. I saw A couple of Islands around the lakes ones . Simple enough to make an ocean Island using the terrain tools.

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