blueprints go where?

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  • sorry about the total n00b question but when I download a blueprint where do I place it, so it shows in the journal list of blueprints,

    I have googled this, and haven't found any where thanks .

    nvm I found something here in the forum, just created a folder and called it blueprints, well DUH

  • sorry about the total n00b question but when I download a blueprint where do I place it, so it shows in the journal list of blueprints,

    I have googled this, and haven't found any where thanks .

    nvm I found something here in the forum, just created a folder and called it blueprints, well DUH

    Das mit dem erstellen des Ordners stimmt, aber du must drauf achten das dieser Ordner auch in deinem Installationsverzeichnis ist z.B.: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RisingWorld oder halt auch so, wenn es auf einer anderen Festplatte installiert ist E:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\RisingWorld.

    Der Ordner der erstellt werden muss heißt Blueprints.
    Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.

  • sorry about the total n00b question but when I download a blueprint where do I place it, so it shows in the journal list of blueprints,

    You need to create a single blueprint yourself. The game will automatically create a folder blueprints.

    As long as you have neither created or copied a blueprint, you can not access the blueprints journal in game.

  • heres the location where blueprints are, thats after you have created a blueprint, even if its just a bp of a block just to get the game to create the folder.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\Blueprints

    That is where all blueprints you make are stored as well as where you put blueprints in from the forums and friends :)

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