Forum site: issue with the new post editor

  • Since the update of the forum site, the post editor has an issue. NOTE: this applies to the full-page post editor, the one used to create new post or to add replies in a separate window/tab, NOT to the in-place editor open when replying on the same page.


    1) In a new paragraph, format some text as bold, italics (and possibly other formats too);

    2) Add some more text in the same paragraph after the formatted part;

    3) With the cursor at the end of the paragraph or at any other point of it of your choice, press [Enter] to add a new line after the paragraph or to split it in two parts.

    Expected result:

    A new line is added after the paragraph or it is split at the cursor point.

    Actual result:

    The paragraph is split right after the format text part, regardless of the cursor position.

    This makes impossible to add new lines after a paragraph which contains formatted text or to split it at any other point (in fact to be able to create this very post, I had to add all the bold formats after having written the whole post).

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