Forum site: issue with links after forum update

  • With the recent forum update, something changed in the way links to forum posts are generated and/or parsed and none of the URL previously generated for thread/posts works any longer. An example, taken from one of my posts.

    *) When I created this thread, I inserted links to other threads with interesting scripts; all links have been created by opening the target thread and copy-n-pasting the URL from the browser address bar.

    *) All the links were working at that time. For instance, the first one is a link to



    Now the URL for that same thread has become:


    with a different path/query structure and different capitalisation => the URL is not found and the forum home page is loaded instead.

    I can easily edit my own posts, when I think it is worth, but the casual (or less determined) user might be frustrated by the number of non-working links in the fora.

    Can anything be done to improve things?

  • That's true =O Actually WBB changed the way how links are handled, the capitalisation doesn't matter at all, but the query structure (the ? after "index.php" instead of /).
    Luckily there is a compatibility option available, so old links should work again now :)

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