Groups won't Show up in list

  • need to set the players to that group
    open console and do setplayergroup theirname Level1

    Example: setplayergroup Chrisx84 Level1

    Also gotta set it in the config as the default group, Since your first level permission file is Level1.permissions the first L always has to be capital in both the console command and in the config

    Open and change

  • i see whats wrong, its in your file
    change the following

    info_group: Level1
    info_chatsuffix: (Level1)
    info_shownametag: true


    group: Level1
    nametagsuffix: (Level1)
    shownametag: true

    and restart the server. always restart after making changes to all files.

  • Also gotta set it in the config as the default group, Since your first level permission file is Level1.permissions the first L always has to be capital in both the console command and in the config

    Open and change

    Yes, this should work. As an alternative:

    1) Leave empty the settings_default_newplayer_group value in and

    2) edit the permissions/default.permissions file to the settings you prefer for newly coming players (your Level0 settings).

  • More details and a bit of summary of what I discovered by practical tests:

    1) What matters is the the file name of the permission group (and not the group: value within the file itself): if the file name is casualPlayers.permissions, then it has to be accessed in console commands as setplayergroup <player_name> casualPlayers.

    2) The file name cannot contain blanks. If the file name is casual players.permissions, the required command setplayergroup <player_name> casual players would fail, as it would see as group name only casual.

    3) File name case also matters: setplayergroup <player_name> casualplayers (with a lower case 'p') would not work (this might be OS dependent, but for remote servers, the OS may be beyond control, so better to play safe)

    4) The group: value within the file itself might be different and be more expressive. A value of Casual players would display as such in the Tab list (cleaner than a camel-cased single word!); still the group would be accessed in commands by its file name and not by the group: value.

    5) If there is no group: value in the file, the group will not show up in the Tab list (but the group will still be accessible in console commands)

    Hope it will be useful to server managers.

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