Help With Server Please

  • Just got this game and tried to make a dedicated server so me and my friend can play. I tried to portfoward through my router but when my friend attempted to join it said he could not connect. Does he have to portfoward also? Any help is appreciated!

    Note: I have a Netgear Nighthawk R7000 router and the interface looks different from all the tutorials on how to make a server so I might be messing up there.

  • The easiest way is if both of you already have an IPv6 address. Then you can connect to each other without any port forwarding (but both of you have to enter "+ipv6" as launch option for Rising World in Steam). You can find out if you already have an IPv6 address (it's a long address separated by colons) by visiting this page:

    If you don't have an IPv6 address yet, it's indeed necessary to forward your ports (or alternatively use a software like Tunngle or Hamachi). Unfortunately I can't say much about the Netgear Nighthawk router, I found this tutorial, does this work for you?…0NDI2L3NpZC9DWkJqd3hZbQ==

    There you have to make sure to forward ports 4254, 4255, 4256, 4257, 4258 and 4259 TCP and UDP. Just enter 4254 as "External Starting Port" and 4259 as "External Ending Port", also make sure that "Use the same port range for internal port" is checked (alternatively enter the same port ranges into the internal fields).

    That should do the trick :)

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