Cant get my server to work :(

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  • I have followed steps in the sticky guide to setting up a server on a windows comp. I down loaded the game via steam. got the zip files from the link, unpacked it updated the server properties, opened the required ports on both my vigin media hub to which I use a ethernet connection and my McAfee firewall. and then pressed win_startscript.bat and all seems to go well right untill the end when in the camand line the the message "no http server was found, please check your firewall settings etc :code607. I have tried turning my firewall off entirely and that made no difference.
    Using win 10 by the way.
    I used my comps ip address not the routers ip address which is very different.
    In the spoiler bar are photos of my port fowarding, server properties and the command line. If anyone can see what I have done wrong the help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance :)

  • The links don't work unfortunately :(

    However, in the file, the provided "server_ip" is a local IP (it is the LAN IP of your computer), this means that this server will only bind to this IP. As a result, only people in the same local network (i.e. persons who live in the same household and use the same router) will be able to connect to your server. If that's your intention, port forwarding is not necessary at all, but I guess that's not what you want (it means that nobody from outside will be able to join your server).

    If you are running the server on your computer, just leave the "server_ip" field blank. Then the server binds to all IPs, which is the only way in most cases (basically your remote IP belongs to this field, but usually your computer can't see the remote IP [only your router is aware of this IP], so of course the server can't bind to it - usually this field is only relevant when you're using a dedicated server) ;)

    The "no http server was found" message indicates that the http server was not reachable. Usually this happens when the http port (server port - 1, by default it is 4254 TCP) is not forwarded. You can check out if port forwarding was successful by visiting this site: (check it for ports 4254, 4255, 4256, 4257 and 4258)

  • @red51 Thank you sooo much for your help. The links work for me at least the 2nd two do. the 1st one doesn't. They are links to my google photos is that relevent? Odd that on your open ports app it still says that all my ports are closed and I mean every single one, even the regular ones like mail app etc. However the simple step of removing the ip address from the server properties and setting up some dynamic port forwarding seems to have solved the problem. I now have a server called New Asgard <UK> on the list and I even managed to get the world I had started playing on imported as the dedicated server world. Now I just need to get one of my friends to log on and see if it works for them too.

    Now I just need to learn how to do all the commandds/scripts etc lol.

    Might wait for the new java system to start before I invest too much time in learning lua.

    Thanks again for your assistance. I'm sure you have far more important things to do than help some noob get his server started. So I really do appreciate it.


  • Hmmm new question. I don't want a pvp server so in the server permissions folder I change the pvp enabled line to "false" However when I restart the server the server is still PVP and when I go to the permissions folder it has reverted to pvp enabled true. Now I have definately done it twice and definateluy saved it twice.

    I see there is a lua script to turn off pvp. I haven't tried this yet as I have not experimented with lua as I have read that a new system is about to come in. However if I need to do this to remove the pvp status off my server I will.

    Also How can I teleport to my server spawn point as I built my castle miles away I need to find the server spawn point to build spawn area notices rules boards etc.

    Any assistance gratefully received. 8)

  • The PVP line is in the file (NOT in a permission file) and should read:


    Please pay attention to case ("false", not "False"; "..._pvp_...", not "..._PVP_...") and blanks; also be sure to edit the file with an editor which does not add any code or formatting of its own, Notepad++ is usually fine.

    In most cases, the spawn point is in the area W 0 - 256, N 0 - 256 (unless you have modified it in the file), often at the W 256, N 256 point. To go there, open the console (default key is [~], I think) and type:

    goto 256 256

    (or any other pair of coordinates). Better to activate flying with [F2] beforehand.
    I think there is also the console command

    goto #spawn

    but I am not sure and I cannot check it right now.

  • Thank you for your assitance Miwarre.

    It was my mistake to say permission file I was referring to the server properties file. however youwere exactly right that the mistake I was making was due to case sensativiity. by default I was typing False not false. Sooo now I have correctly edited the file with pvp=false and it is now working as intended. :thumbsup:

    The goto #spawn sends you to your last sleeping point I think. That is certainly what it did when I tested it. Thank you for the location of the server spawn point. I tested it and it seems about right. I walked for a long time from that point before I found the perfect spot for my mountain top castle location. Soooooo I think I will try and move the Spawn point near that. I think the command setspawn lets me to do that although some clarification on whether that works just for me or anyone coming to my server would be nice :)

    Thanks again for your assistance. :thumbup:

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