How to make custom textures into the game - Warning: No official way for texture packs it's just for the purpose of testing

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  • So you saw my other thread where i started creating textures, in this new one i want you to tell how you can change the game textures, gui or something else in the actual state of the game.

    1. What you need first is logic, a good nice texture. That means just a simple diffuse map or any image you like.
    2. Search the game folder, for common you have to look into your steam folder, in my case this one is located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common"
    3. Now go to your RisingWorld - Folder, then data/assets. And here is all you need, the .jar files contains textures and so on. You can open them like any other .zip - File.
    4. Extract the data you want to an custom folder, so you can easily remove bugged things from the .zip Archive.
    5. Now look into the extracted folder and search for the texture you want to replace, e.g.: Textures\Constructions here you can find imagefiles like 1.jpg
    6. IMPORTANT: This texture has a defined resolution and filetype, your custom texture has to provide the same resolution and filetype like the original.
    7. Rename your texture to the same name as in your extracted folder, now simply open the .jar File navigate to the folder and drag and drop your texture in. (Not in the extracted folder, this one is just for better identification and for backup)

    That was the magic, when you start your game the new texture gets applied to the specific blocks.

    Error Handling:
    If the game doesn't start anymore, something is wrong:
    1. The custom texture has not the same resolution as the original.
    2. The custom texture type ist wrong, it must be jpg. And IT IS NOT enough to rename a .png to a .jpg, you have to go into Gimp, or some program like that and export it in the correct format type.

    If you can't identify the error source, you have 2 solutions.
    1. You can replace the custom texture with the original from your backup folder.
    2. Go to Steam and proof the game for errors, it will reload all needed files. (But in this case all your custom textures are gone.)

    So if you have any problems just ask ;), i hope this thread helps some people.

  • My texturepack lasts no update.
    Unfortunatiy I need to overwrite my permissons into Texturepack xxx.
    This problem needs to be solved, because it did not appear before.
    ..Create a folder, named Texturepack XXY and that's it. Worked before, but after
    last 3 or 4 updates, permissions are overwritten.

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