Bug: Accessing Containers Through Floors/Ceilings

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  • The Bug:
    "You must stand in front of this object to use it." That's the line I get when my pointer turns into a chest and I attempt to access the chest on the other side of the brick wall with the F key. That is not the message I get when I attempt to access chests, barrels, and crates (possibly all containers, but these are the only ones I tried) through floors and ceilings. The containers are very much accessible and usable. I'm talking about a full brick block here, not just a thin plank of wood. I can't help but wonder if this could be done with items other than containers.

    The Possible Abuse:
    With the highly anticipated arrival of the Dungeons API, this minor bug could enable players to mine beneath the dungeon and wait until the chest icon appears through floors and ceilings to access the treasure-filled containers, all the while avoiding the guardians. The same goes with PvP where a player could mine beneath another player's house, and not even have to mine through the floors to access the containers.

    The Question:
    Is there a way to totally remove the chest pointer when aiming at a chest if its view is blocked by another block?

  • You must stand in front of this object to use it

    Actually this message only occurs when you're not standing in front of the object, it doesn't matter if there is a wall or a floor/ceiling in between. However, this bug (being able to interact with objects through walls) has been there for a long time, and I think it's about time to fix it finally ^^

    The Possible Abuse

    That's true, just another reason to fix this issue in time^^

    Is there a way to totally remove the chest pointer when aiming at a chest if its view is blocked by another block?

    Yeah, once this issue is fixed, you will neither see the chest icon nor be able to access the chest through walls

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