Noticed bugs with new update 10/17

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Just a few things I noticed after updating today:

    * Can not collect wool from sheep.

    * When chopping tree trunks, they disappear under the ground and cannot be retrieved.

    *All previously placed banisters have turned into corners.

    Second two items are minor, but no wool from sheep? Are these issues that can be addressed or do I have to start new games?



  • There have been two small updates a few hours ago which should fix the wool and banister issues ;) If you're using the Steam version, you may have to restart Steam in order to get the updates.
    About the disappearing tree trunks, that's strange, we will check it out!

  • Sorry, didn't realize there was a second update. After restarting all was well again. Steam didn't notify of a second update. Thanks for your response. :)

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