Gleiche Bezeichnungen

  • Mir fiel auf, dass sich einige commands sehr ähneln. Z. B. /set.... mit nachfolgendem Befehl. Was mich dabei interssiert, ist die Möglichkeit einer Doppelvergabe ja durchaus möglich. Was würde dann passieren? Abgesehen davon, dass nicht jeder der Plug-Ins erstellt, nachschaut ob dieser Befehl nicht schon in einem anderen Plug-in verwendet wurde.
    Mir geht es in diesem Fall spezifisch um areaprotection und teleports und waypoints.
    Einfach mal interessehalber. ^^

  • The thread tag says "German", sorry for answering in English.

    This is one of the reasons why in my Java plug-ins I am moving away from chat commands using GUI's instead as far as possible (as well as in order to reduce load on user memory ("which was the command to...?"), typos and so on).

    In the few LUA script I did, my approach was to have a common prefix -- related to the script name -- for all the commands of a script and use additional words for specific commands: "/gps sethome" "/gps setwp" and so on.

    As I was saying in this oldish post, I see the possibility to completely by-pass chat commands, adding to the API a "main GUI entry event" a plug-in can respond to displaying its own GUI "main menu"; from there it would be possible to navigate graphically the plug-in functions (equivalent to nowadays chat commands).

    An in-game command (it might be a short-cut) could display a list of plug-ins having this function to select from and eventually dispense with any typing, remembering, name clashing, ...

    Probably not very urgent, but I still see this as a possible, positive goal.

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