My server will NOT shutdown! Help me please..

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  • I created my own multiplayer server (first time I've ever done that for a game ) and the only way I can get the server to shut down after I open it is to shut down my computer. I have opened the command prompt and entered shutdown and "shutdown [server]" along with many other random shutdown and restart and reboot combinations and can not get it to shut down or restart or anything unless I turn my PC off. I kept thinking I was doing it wrong because everytime it tells me command not found and yet other commandside like "mark" or "saveall" even work. I am the admin and have all my permissions turned on. Yet it will not work for me. Help me please ..

  • did you try and click the x at the top of the CMD box oO if that does not work and your on windows 7 8 or 10 you could press, alt ctrl delete all at the same time and kill the java app right click and end task

    The rcon tool also has a shutdown button, very handy for admins download link here

    unzip this also you need to give this a password in your file


    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I created my own multiplayer server (first time I've ever done that for a game ) and the only way I can get the server to shut down after I open it is to shut down my computer. I have opened the command prompt and entered shutdown and "shutdown [server]" along with many other random shutdown and restart and reboot combinations and can not get it to shut down or restart or anything unless I turn my PC off. I kept thinking I was doing it wrong because everytime it tells me command not found and yet other commandside like "mark" or "saveall" even work. I am the admin and have all my permissions turned on. Yet it will not work for me. Help me please ..


    Neither the win_startscript.bat or the, which I assume to be the supported way to start the server under those OSes, have the so handy start, attach, restart, stop sub-command that the Linux script has.

    Is this intentional or forced by the limitations of those OSes?

    (I tried hard, but I cannot resist: Linux wins again!)

  • Hmmm...
    Neither the win_startscript.bat or the, which I assume to be the supported way to start the server under those OSes, have the so handy start, attach, restart, stop sub-command that the Linux script has.

    Is this intentional or forced by the limitations of those OSes?

    (I tried hard, but I cannot resist: Linux wins again!)

    my servers running on windows 10 and i have scripted my own restart script, it will restart the server if the server crash's or if someone use's rcon to shut it down oO i seem to have no problem so windows wins too lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Thank you all sooo much!!!!! I really appreciate it!!! I LOVE that plugin you sent me yahgiggle it was extremely helpful...and thank you for telling me what I would need to do in order to run it!!!!!

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