Rising World Insperation?

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  • i often wonder were is rising world going? were does the insperation for this game come from? maybe some insperation from minecraft but what else? how about Wurm Online/unlimited? will there be skills that you need to level up? will there eventually be male and female animals? how will the taming work for certain animals such as horses,will we have to just tame them with food instantly or will taming take time n skill? what about breeding animals? will the female become pregnant and give birth in a given time and how many babies will they have? such as, a horse may have from 1 to 2 foals but a pig can have anywere from 4 to 12 piglets. been trying wurm online and its a great game,hoping some insperation/ideas for rising world will be drawn from wurm.

    really anxious for the next update and hoping there will be a holiday surprise for all of us ;)

  • i know that domestication of animals, animal breeding, and more item drops from animals is planned. Also a cooking system.

    Now lots of fans here (myself included) have made suggestions for a leveling system and a skill tree system. While Red51 seemed interested in the ideas, nothing official was ever announced. At minimum, there will be a system for clothing and armor to offer protection from impact and extreme temperatutes. Fortunately with dungeons now just days away, player models will be the next big update so we might get some more info about the player models real soon and maybe some screenshots. :)

    I've heard lots of good things about Wurm unlimited but from what I understand of the game, that level of crafting complexity might be beyond what I would expect from Rising World. But who knows? This is an alpha game and there never was any guarantee that the game will be anything close to what it was when it first hit Steam. I guess we shall see. I would like to see harvesting, crafting, and construction in Rising World be a little bit more complex than it currently is but something that mimics Wurm might be a bit too extreme. I just dont want to spend all day building a boat and worry about what my sucess rate is of hammering a nail into a board. :/

  • i know that domestication of animals, animal breeding, and more item drops from animals is planned. Also a cooking system.

    Now lots of fans here (myself included) have made suggestions for a leveling system and a skill tree system. [...]

    I've heard lots of good things about Wurm unlimited but from what I understand of the game, that level of crafting complexity might be beyond what I would expect from Rising World. [...] but something that mimics Wurm might be a bit too extreme. I just dont want to spend all day building a boat and worry about what my sucess rate is of hammering a nail into a board. :/

    My feelings exactly! I tried a few times Wurm Unlimited and I never managed to come to terms with it or to imagine I could just by spending more time: I always get tired (and bored) before I reach any automatism with it. I would certainly welcome a more articulated crafting system (with more areas and more components), but rating any and each hammer stroke would quickly become frustrating...

    I have mixed feelings about a levelling system: from one hand, it is a common experience that, with practise, you improve in any activity you engage on. On the other hand, the ladder shape of usual levelling systems leaves me dubious: is level 42 of oven cooking so different from level 41 of the same technique?

    In real life, you do not progress by discreet tiny levels ("ah well! I just reached level 35 of spoon handling!"), rather your confidence increases, your average results improves and so on, but you never have a precise gauging of your position on the ladder, except for very specialised activities (like some sports; and even in these cases, it still depends on the day, on the mood, on the circumstances...). Even assuming that it is not mandatory to mimic real life in every small detail, this kind of broad and general real life experiences are hard to forget.

    What about a non-level system, where levels are not exposed (even if they might be used internally, as aids to computation), success rate and quality of results increases statistically, and you develop a confidence from your results, rather than from a level label? There might be, say, 2 - 4 big steps, in which you "graduate" to a specific title, which gives you a tangible feedback of your "career" and something you can "print on your business card" for your customers to know.

    "Graduations" could be based on the total "quality points" accumulated or on the average success rate (compared with the difficult of the crafted recipe) or any other possible metrics of the ability reached; still, it should not be spelled out in clear letters (or figures!), but only kept internally: as in real life, when you take an exam, you may be more or less confident about the probable outcome, but you are never sure you accumulated the "practice points" required to pass it!

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