Currency and economy :D

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  • Hey, me again. Jeez, i hope i dont spam your forum to the max :D.
    If its too much just tell me ;)

    Well, btt. Currency and economy. Ive seen you implemented the painting feature which is really cool :) What about the possibility of having either one or plenty of currencies? Like, depending if possible or not, Kindgom A mines gold and has a good stock of it. Now they decide to make their own coins. So they use a tool which allows them to "design" coins. Those coins will have a "mass" and "purity". (to have a basicvalue) Kingdom B instead only has a small goldmine but herefor a silvermine. They mix both materials into whitegold. While Coin A has a mass of 5g and a purity of 90% the value is set to (70), Coin B has a mass of 5g but just a purity of 20%. So its Value is set to (30).

    Player can now use these coins to buy stuff in the nations. This could raise economy and maybe later on, different stuff will be only aviabl on specific locations. Like special ore, special animals etc.

  • Don't worry, you're definitely not spamming the forum, you can write as much as you want, we welcome any posts :thumbup:

    First of all: Yes, we're planning to bring a form of payment into the game. It will simply be an item (perhaps coins, maybe they will be threated differently from regular items). Since server-admins (yes, once again, payment is a multiplayer-only feature) will get the ability in the future to restrict items (so that they can't be crafted), they're the only ones who can control how much money is in circulation ;)

    About the silver- and goldmines, allocated among different kingdoms: This is difficult to implement due to the randomness of the world; if the world would not be random, this would be much easier. In addition, ores will also occur randomly, comparable to Minecraft. The occurrence is only influenced by the depth and the current biome (e.g. diamonds are more common in deserts etc.).

  • Now they decide to make their own coins. So they use a tool which allows them to "design" coins. Those coins will have a "mass" and "purity". (to have a basicvalue) Kingdom B instead only has a small goldmine but herefor a silvermine. They mix both materials into whitegold. While Coin A has a mass of 5g and a purity of 90% the value is set to (70), Coin B has a mass of 5g but just a purity of 20%. So its Value is set to (30).

    Wow, sounds like you can can call the game "Currency Simulator" then :D But I like the idea of creating custom coins, it would be cool if every server have different looking money

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • Well, its kinda lorefriendly since in rl you have thousands of currencies, from mussles to goldcoins. Always with the benefit of a rare valuable counterpart as safety. And since this game is so individual i thought the basic of every nation is the economy. So, wouldnt it be cool to see ingame the early steps of globalisation? ;) like a vikingstyle kingdom trading their good with an oriental kingdom? ;) of course it wouldnt be cool to see that both of them have, magically, the same currency ;) thats where the mass and purity effect hits :) It breaks down the coins into a basevalue calculated by those 2 values to make the "exchange" easier and userfriendly :) also, youll see that specific currencies will have benefits (huge ammounts, valuable material etc.). To continue our travel we could melt down those coins (if metal) and create other stuff out of it. - oh, btw, a meltingsystem would be nice ;) instead of repairing stuff to the unlimited you could "recycle" stuff. Imagine, a legendary warrior who had the skill to bring kingdoms to fall. His sword would be valuable as hell. Why not forging a new one out of it? ;)

  • I vote for the economy part. I hope you are able to make a nice trading system (with or without money, coins, what ever).
    If I hear coins (or money) it reminds me to the question about "in game sales". Are you planning to do this?

    Some points about trading system:
    - I would love to see something like "official trades" and "inofficial trades"
    - e.g. an "official trade" must be at a market place (someone can build this?!) and the 2 traders has to pay a tax for the trade to the owner of the market place, the transaction is safe
    - e.g. an "inofficial trade" could be anywhere, no tax but not safe (I mean someone can betray the other)

  • I vote for the economy part. I hope you are able to make a nice trading system (with or without money, coins, what ever).
    If I hear coins (or money) it reminds me to the question about "in game sales". Are you planning to do this?

    Some points about trading system:
    - I would love to see something like "official trades" and "inofficial trades"
    - e.g. an "official trade" must be at a market place (someone can build this?!) and the 2 traders has to pay a tax for the trade to the owner of the market place, the transaction is safe
    - e.g. an "inofficial trade" could be anywhere, no tax but not safe (I mean someone can betray the other)

    Well, currencies are meant as kind of ingameitems, nothing with rl cash ;) just a exchange value for goods ;) Other game handle it by rate the value of an item and use rare ones as currency (e.g. diamonds). If the player now has the ability to "transform" rare stuff into coins it would make the game more lorefriendly ;) Well. Combined with the claim system i posted before it wouldnt be needed to make "one" trademarket. Instead player could "rent" a specific "marketstandsize" and offer their goods there. maybe even by hiring an npc (lets say 5 % of the income is used as payment)

  • The question about the InGameSales are more a question for the developer. Just if they are planning to do so?

    I do not like the idea of transform stuff into coins. It reduces the interaction between player.
    The market is more a please of meeting and trading. It is also just one solution for the suggestion with the official and inoffical trade. I am very open for other ideas about that.

    To use a npc reduces also interaction. It could be a way but is shouldn't be the main way (maybe just one offering at the same time as constraint)

  • [...] oh, btw, a meltingsystem would be nice ;) instead of repairing stuff to the unlimited you could "recycle" stuff [...]

    Yes, something like a "recycle system" is planned, that tools or weapons can be melted to get some of the basic materials back.

    [...] If I hear coins (or money) it reminds me to the question about "in game sales". Are you planning to do this? [...]

    By no means! We will never implement something like ingame sales or something like that, at least nothing that can be exchanged with "real" money ;)

    Trading on the other hand is a planned feature. You'll be able to trade with other players at all time, simply by right-clicking them. This will open a trading menu where you can simply exchange items. So you may trade your iron sword for 32 apples for example ;) Or you may also give away your sword for free as a gift.

    Apart from that it'll also be possible for serveradmins to spawn NPC's, and you can give them different task and you can define how they should interact with other players: For example, you can say that they should simply attack hostile mobs when they're close enough (so the NPC will become something like a guard), or you can create a conversation (so the NPC may tell you the serverrules or -news). Of course you can also say that the NPC should be a trader, and you're able to define what items he has in stock, and what they'll cost.
    All these things can be done in creative mode. You should know that the creative mode will be more likely an "ingame-editor". There you place the NPCs and you'll get different tools (e.g. a conversation editor) to define the interactions. Advanced users can combine this with Lua scripting of course ;)

    Perhaps we will also implement something like a "travelling trader" for the singleplayer: A trader will spawn something near you with his cart for a certain amount of time where you can buy or sell items. But this feature is still uncertain...

    [...] If the player now has the ability to "transform" rare stuff into coins it would make the game more lorefriendly [...]

    Yes, that's why it'll be possible to craft coins (e.g. copper, silver and gold coins, but without "mixing" different ores, since this would be a little bit too complicated, and that also implies that "mixing" ores should also be possible for weapons or tools, and that goes beyond the scope of the game =O ). Combined with the ability of the serverowner to exclude some items from crafting, coins become a "real" currency that cannot be forged by someone else.

    [...] Instead player could "rent" a specific "marketstandsize" and offer their goods there [...]

    That's something the serverowner is responsible for. "Renting" something is - of course - not intended by the game, so it's necessary to do this either by virtue of agreement (e.g. you have a hotel with serveral rooms, every door is locked, and when the player gives you whatever you want for one night, you give him the key for a door), or by creating a custom Lua script (remember that this is really a special thing we're talking about, so Lua is the only real solution for implementing something that individual) ;)

  • So, with the knowledge of lua i would be able to "create" an npc that offers for example:
    if member of kingdom options:
    - rent a market place size: x * y price ____
    - buy claimstone ammount___ price___

    - swear the oath and wait for the kings, leader whatever to accept you
    . is that correct ;)?

    same could then be done by:

    if player has marketclaim && marketstand
    -> rightclick marketstand
    - hire trader
    - put items to sell
    - withdraw income
    - etc


  • Perhaps we will also implement something like a "travelling trader" for the singleplayer: A trader will spawn something near you with his cart for a certain amount of time where you can buy or sell items. But this feature is still uncertain...

    I personally don't need that feature. if you really implement it, please give us the ability to disable it :saint: I like the feeling of "being alone in the world", some kind of "stranded" there :whistling: Mp is something completely different of course, I like the idea of spawning NPC that can fill all sorts of roles

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • Sounds really exciting to me! If that's possbile this would overshadow all minecraft servers 8o
    @devs: can't you provide such a script out of the box?

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • I personally don't need that feature. if you really implement it, please give us the ability to disable it :saint: I like the feeling of "being alone in the world", some kind of "stranded" there :whistling: Mp is something completely different of course, I like the idea of spawning NPC that can fill all sorts of roles

    That sounds fair to me. I know what you're talking about, this "feeling of being alone in the world" ;) But as mentioned, it's not even sure if we add the travelling trader for singleplayer at all...

    [...]@devs: can't you provide such a script out of the box?

    Well... this is a very "specific" thing you're talking about. We will think about it, but in principle, we want to offer more general scripts. Those scripts can be extended easily then.
    Just wait until the wiki arrives, it gives an overview about all functions with descriptions and examples. That makes scripting quite an easy task :)

  • Well... this is a very "specific" thing you're talking about.

    I think the best way is some kind of repository for free available scripts. So players can create and publish scripts. If you have enough player there will be scripts for almost everthing.

  • i read about renting - i would love setup a Hotel or Apartment in game - example i have 8 bed hotel - 2 floors - i could man reception and give keys and collect currency in world - once they finish renting or using hotel - they have to hand key back in and check out
    for apartments - i would make lease papers to tenant to sign and hand key
    at end of rental (person informs owner to end rent) he has to hand back key and move out - clear room leaving any fittings in
    in event if person does not pay the rent - overdue for 2 weeks then i could evict - requires making new key lock for door and making Notice to hand to tenant

    keys would be workable

    Master key - for owner and staff (opens all doors)
    staff key - unlocks the staff doors
    room key - only opens the specified door and also front door as well if locked
    this can be used for machinery and elevators and high security doors and etc

  • Sounds good! Especially the thing with the hotel is something we're currently also working on for our official mulitplayer server, but that's another matter ;)

    The thing about keys is a little bit complicated: How are you able to create keys? What happens if a key gets lost, or the player with the rented key in his inventory stopps playing on the server? If we have a solution for this, keys would be a great thing :)
    Otherwise, lua scripting probably is the "securest" way to create something like rentable rooms on multiplayer servers. At least that's the way we do it for our server.

    But lockable doors are necessary anyway, without having to write custom gamemodes with lua. We just have to find a good way. Apart from solutions like password-protected doors, we can also implement a door that can only be opened by yourself for example.

  • Sounds good! Especially the thing with the hotel is something we're currently also working on for our official mulitplayer server, but that's another matter ;)

    The thing about keys is a little bit complicated: How are you able to create keys? What happens if a key gets lost, or the player with the rented key in his inventory stopps playing on the server? If we have a solution for this, keys would be a great thing :)
    Otherwise, lua scripting probably is the "securest" way to create something like rentable rooms on multiplayer servers. At least that's the way we do it for our server.

    But lockable doors are necessary anyway, without having to write custom gamemodes with lua. We just have to find a good way. Apart from solutions like password-protected doors, we can also implement a door that can only be opened by yourself for example.

    the keypad feature would be good which is pretty useful

  • the keypad feature would be good which is pretty useful

    Yeah we will definitely implement that :) In the future, when our electricity system is fully implement, we also want to bring a standalone-keypad into the game, that is generally used to send a signal after entering the correct password (for example to open several doors, activating the lights or an elevator etc.).

  • An idea about the key:

    Just make a key generator tool to make keys by number. Save the number in the key. If you create a new key with the same number, it will open the same doors.
    It is comparable to the keypad feature just that the code is fixed in the key. For each key made by the player save an entry in a list with the number of the key and a free editable text. So if a key get lost the player can use the list to make a new one with the same number.

    So you also have to change the door. I would recommend a special "lookable door". If you build this door you also have to enter the number for the key (that the door knows what key fits). It is not 100% save but like in real world...if someone crack the code he will open the see it as a feature (not a bug or weak implementation :D )

    As long as the player do not user a "123" code the doors will be safe.

    So just an idea to solve the "key-problem"

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