Nitrado server

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I am new to the forums, so please be understanding to the ignorance i have with this method of communication. I just rented a Nitrado game server, of course for rising world. Does anyone know how I can connect it to the game , or find it on the list. I tried the dedicated server, but could never get my brother on it he lives in a different state then me. So if you could help me I would be very thankful. :D

  • check the file. as long as server_list_visible=true then the name of your server as defined a few lines down with server_name should be what is seen in the muliplayer list. this makes it visible to the public. If you are running a non-public server then whoever connects must know the IP address and port number the server is running on. If the server is on Nitrado then most likely it will not be using the default ports used by rising world.

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