Creating Single Player World Ore count

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  • So, when the game breaks for multiplayer use, I like to just play in solo mode since I'm addicted to the game. So far, I've not been able to create a world to my liking. I am going for pure Survival mode. My problem is the Ore quantity. I set the options for Normal world, Forrest and Hills/Mountains Terrain, All animals, & Ore count to LOW. I don't want to turn ore OFF or how else would I craft tools if I couldn't find iron so, I turn it to low to make it difficult to find. Unfortunately, this seems to do nothing. My world spawns, I'm dropped in a nice little valley of a mountain. So, I start looking around and the mountain sides are littered with ore deposits.... it's so bad... I don't think I'd even need to go underground much.... I could get all the basics right off the side of the mountain. Am I missing something about this setting? Is it a seed number issue? I always go for a seed number starting with 2 cuz I find that there is always an ocean nearby when I do.

  • My first try in single player used a random seed that started -7 and yes that is a minus. What I got was ocean, beach and lots of grass. I explored for about 10 minutes but found no hills. So maybe using a 2 to start your seed is the wrong way to go? The seed I am playing does start with a 2 and has mountains, valleys, grassland but not seen any ocean yet.

  • Does that mean we get the same map no matter what the seed? OR that map changes but every map has same ores? Thanks

    As I understand it, the seed affects the geography (orography, hydrography, terrains, biomes, ...); the amount of ores is (or should be) affected by the setting at world creation.

    • The seed is changing the spawn point, not the availability of ores.

    In fact, I am not sure of this; it seems to me that, unless customised in the, the spawn point is kind of fixed at 256N, 256W; the landscape you see at that point is affected by the seed, as it affects the whole world geography.

  • Is there an end? or do the maps just generate in front of you as if you're walking outside of a huge sphere? would walking west long enough bring back to your start point? or do you get newly generated that happens to look like the start did before you started building etc?

    Sorry, I get in trouble for my curiosity sometimes... "always asking silly questions" is a common complaint... but how else do we learn? ;)

  • Is there an end?

    1) No; coordinates always increase as long as you go forward.


    or do the maps just generate in front of you as if you're walking outside of a huge sphere?

    2) Yes.


    would walking west long enough bring back to your start point?

    3) No (see 1) above)


    or do you get newly generated that happens to look like the start did before you started building etc?

    4) Yes. After a while, things start repeating the same patterns already seen again and again. But they are different locations: if you modify one, the other(s) are not modified. How big is this "after a while" I don't know for sure; I have seen mentioned values in the order of 16,000 blocks (approx. 8km).

    And I don't think there are silly questions; there might be silly answers, though...

  • So, now that the thread has gone off topic........ is there a way to alter the amount of ORE available in a world created? The settings for type of world to create don't seem to affect it.. except in the case of turning ORE Off. But, maybe that instance I created was a fluke or didn't explore it enough... idk.

    *Edit* Just for anyone coming across this thread wondering same thing... what I learn in other threads is that "Ore Count" doesn't change the frequency of finding ore really... just changes how much ore will be in a spot... so "Low" might make to only get a few ores while "High" might mean whole stack of ore from a spot.

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