Faster Resource..Gathering

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  • Any tips or faster ways to gather resources to let my creative mind flourish in the awesome game? Im a little impatient when it comes to gathering resources as it is time consuming :D

  • Have you read this? It's pretty helpful. New Player Reference - Commands and Basics - Updated Dec 15



    setgametype 1

    you destroy/ mine everything with 1 hit


    item lumber 100

    gives you eg. 100 logs


    item 102 100

    gives you 100 of wood (not the logs it's made of)


    item ore 100

    gives you 100 of ore, I don't know the command for actual stone, but you can use this (like dirt, too) to craft every kind of stone blocks

    That's basically it, since it's recommended there to only cheat the ressources

  • Speaking of "Dirt"
    I would suggest changing the word "Dirt" to sand! We can't do anything with dirt, but with sand we will be able
    to make glass in a kiln! Unless it is planed to have sand pits placed here & there to create glass at a future date!
    As of now, dirt can only be used for suprised kamikaze attack on people on the ground...
    Nop, i just did not say that out loud..

  • More resources are planned including sand, gravel, granite, multiple types of ore, etc., but currently glass is spawn directly in the saw table.
    I believe that it is 3rd or 4th on the major items list of things to be added next.

    in the mean time:
    item treelog 32 --- gives you a stack of logs
    item ore 64 3 --- gives you a stack of stone
    item ore 64 1 --- gives you a stack of dirt

    FYI, Dirt is a little easier to manipulate with the rake than stone is with the sledge hammer after you place it.

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