A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I would like a 'sideways' option for the ramp inner corner, the ramp corner and the ramp inner corner. At the moment they only connect half of the slope angle combinations.

    A inverse arc block to have curves.

    A corner and a t-intersection for the cylinder and the half cylinder blocks.

  • At present there probably wont be any more blocks or block orientations added or possibly even work to the block grid. There's some kind of technical limitation and i guess it might be easier to just move over to the new system than fix the current problems. There is a construction system update planned which will let us treat blocks as construction objects (same as woodbeams, woodplanks, and woodlogs). This will let us freely rotate, scale, and stretch any block however we want. It will also let us overcome lots of limitations with the current block system such as being limited to 90 degree rotations, and being unable to place, for example, two ramp pieces in the same block space or stack stone slabs.

    As for when, well nothing is official but a recent comment below by Red is making me think its going to be ready a lot sooner than I expected (considering that player models are pretty close now):


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