I'm trying to start the game through steam but I'm always stuck at this window https://puu.sh/udUVx/c1280aae7f.png what should I do? I'm using win 10 if that helps and I tried reinstalling the game but couldn't find a real solution to the problem. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong and maybe help me out? Thanks.
I can't start the game
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Around 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time today, I experienced something like this when I went to play Rising World. When I clicked on the Play button in Steam, I was warned of a syncing issue between what I had stored online and what I had on my computer. I said to go ahead anyways, and I couldn't get further than the title page. In my case, a message that I don't recall popped up below the JIW logo on the title page. I force quit to notice a message at the bottom of the Steam front-end that stated "no connection," even though my Internet connection was running fine. I went to play a different game instead.
When I read your message a few minutes ago, I decided to test the game once more and everything was running fine. There wasn't even a "no connection" or a syncing message waiting for me. When we rely on online services, it's to be expected that sooner or later, these services will experience hiccups.
Have you attempted to play the game since you posted your message?
Yes, multiple times, I'm still having the same issue. I am using windows 10 build 15019.1000, could that be the reason I can't play?
can you go to the rising world directory in your steam files and upload the error log (should be in a directory path like this: D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\Logs)? without a log it is quite hard to figure out what is going wrong
can you go to the rising world directory in your steam files and upload the error log (should be in a directory path like this: D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\Logs)? without a log it is quite hard to figure out what is going wrong
No such path is there for me, I don't have a Logs folder in the Rising World folder. :\
how about outside the Logs folder? no files named errorlog or hs_err_pid ?
another suggestion would be to delete the cache folder in your RW directory. (it will be recreated the next time you launch the game)
Unfortunately it has become frequent. It would be interesting to prioritize a single player mode to quench the urge to play.
Unfortunately it has become frequent. It would be interesting to prioritize a single player mode to quench the urge to play.
what has become frequent? the game crashing, not starting or other? If that is the case you can create a new thread and upload the error log for one of the devs to look at.
Are you a STEAM user? If it was, you would know that in the last days the game has been offline for several hours.
yes I have the game on steam, no the game hasn't been offline at all for me The only time it was offline was 1-2 weeks ago when the steam servers had problems not RW.
And that's exactly what I'm talking about.
Before this problem occurred, the game had already lost connectivity with Steam a week earlier.
After these events, Red51 said it's time to make an offline mode available, so I posted on that topic to try to find out if there is any prediction.
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