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  • Hello Community,

    I use the Plugin AdminTools on my server.
    So I have a question:
    1.) is the "ban" command from AdminTools or from the game itself?
    2.) the "offlineban" command is from AdminTools afaik - right?

    And IF i ban a player, where is this banned stored?
    I want to show the Bans on my website. is this possible?


  • There are two ban commands, one available through the console and one available through the chat. The latter is from admintools and is also available offline.
    I know you can see the ban list through the server RCON but I don't know where the actual information is stored. Have you looked through the files in the game directory on the server?

  • The bans are saved in the "Banlist" table in your database.
    If you want to display them on your homepage, use PHP to get the data from the database.

    It works for me.


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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