Blueprint list scrollbar

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  • Dear Red I think most of us who have been playing the game long enough end up with 100s of blueprints in their journal. It makes it really had to have to manually scroll through the whole list every time with the mouse wheel thus could we have a small scrollbar on the side of the journal to click and drag to go through the blueprint list faster?

  • could we have a small scrollbar on the side of the journal to click and drag to go through the blueprint list faster?

    I think a scroll bar would be an improvement, but a mild one: if there is a list hundreds of items long, locating the right item is the problem, more than how to wade through the list.

    Possibly, a more radical approach would be implementing a real tree view of the blueprint folder and sub-folders, to ease a proper classification of blueprint and reduce the length of each list.

    Something like what is currently implemented for choosing the image of a poster but, possibly, with the items listed in some alphabetical order, rather in random order as now.

  • well if everything is in alphabetical order as they are now and you have a scrollbar you can find whatever you are looking for by scrolling fast to the first letter area and then looking at the items near there by slower scrolling....imo anything more than a simple scrollbar for blueprints would be an overkill

  • well if everything is in alphabetical order as they are now and you have a scrollbar you can find whatever you are looking for by scrolling fast to the first letter area and then looking at the items near there by slower scrolling....imo anything more than a simple scrollbar for blueprints would be an overkill

    Blueprints are not listed in any alphabetical order (in my list I see: "Colonna", "Fondamenta", "Doccia", "Abbaino", ...), nor are in any alphabetical order the various sub-folders.

    And, even if they should be in some alphabetical order, do you remember the exact name of each blueprint you have? I do not remember the name of the blueprint I made! And I have blueprint made by others, in different languages and some with rather cryptic names like "bldsinnn" (?).

    When the total number rises, the only way is to categorise them in separate sub-folders. And the GUI does not help a bit in this; it does not even list the existing sub-folder when you try to assign a folder to a new blueprint (was that folder named "KitchenElements" or "kitchen_elements" or "Kitchen elements" or "Kitchen Elements" or...).

    A proper file browsing feature would not be overkill at all, it would only be a reasonable solution (the one file managers use since decades...).

  • blueprints should be in alphabetical order in your lists too...this is weird unless you have a space or any other special character in front which would appear above any other names thus causing them not to be in alphabetical order for you in the end.

    haha ok I get that too sometimes when I download other people's blueprints, then a second sub-folder with only those would help indeed. :D

    yes a full file browsing feature would be helpful but not necessary from my point of view at least.

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