Prop suggestion

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • List:

    -indoor lamps both hanging and standing and spotlights to be placed on shelves
    -fridge modern and retro the one with round curves
    - clocks as furniture to place on walls it should show time of the gameworld both a modern type and an old time one
    - stuffed deerhead to place on wall
    - fountains for indoor to use on mansions
    - pooltable

  • Continued:

    -drinking glass wineglass water glass bottles
    -carpets that can be connected
    -secret doorways made of bookshelves
    - panels for walls
    - bedtables
    -alarm that registers if people go through a door in your house
    - modern statues
    - fishtanks with moving fish animation

  • doorbell:
    two functions:
    #1 ring to alert the occupant you'd like to visit.
    #2 enter a passcode to enter/lock the door.
    ....this could have the same looking menu as the tent.instead of "sleep" & "storage" you'd have "ring" & "lock/unlock" respectively.
    although I'm sure people would try placing doorbells on other people's houses,locking them out....

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