A lot of suggestions!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hello everyone! ^^
    I have a lot of suggestions to make, and instead of spamming for each suggestion, I think this is better to put them all in this thread.
    If some suggestions were already made, sorry for repeating them!
    Sorry in advance if there are some english mistakes, my native langage is french.

    I will separate the suggestions in categories so it could be better to read, here there are:


    • Food is too easy to find, you just need to find a lot of apples and watermelons and you're good to survive for one week in-game! The hunger bar should decrease faster, food harder to find and/or food give less hunger points.
    • I don't think it's already in the game, but running should make the thirst bar decrease a lot faster. Running could be less efficient than walking in term of thirst and hunger, like in real life.
    • I think this one i really important: Eating food should not give health points, but if the hunger and thirst of the player is correct, health should regenerate slowly by its own (like a half-depleted health bar could take 2 days in-game to be full again).
    • Maybe some debuff if player always eat the same food? Like you need to eat different vegetables, bread, meat... Instead of only apples and watermelons.
    • I think some raw food should make the player dizy. Raw potatoes are horrible to eat, and can also induce sickness... Maybe adding a "disgusted" or "dizzy" debuff if the player eat too much raw potatoes and meat? The players should cook their food in order to not have this. This "disgusted" debuff could make the hunger bar decrease faster for example.
    • Sickness, consuming raw meat (even more for the raw chicken) and drinking dirty water (like in swamps) could poison the player. A debuff that make the hunger and thirst bars decrease a lot, prevent to run, and so on. Players have to take medicinal plants to heal themselves.
    • So, medicinal herbs in the wild too. Maybe even medicines that can be made out of those, and also with white flowers, tree sap...


    • I saw there is a stranded mode not available yet... Where the player will start without tools? For now this is impossible without tools... And it feels like the primitive technology is not there. The game could have clay, the player could build clay furnace, and with gathered sticks, this could create a beginning of the progression in the game.
    • Are you already planning for an advanced technology? I can definitively think of drills and electrical-powered furnaces!


    • I have encountered some problems when building floors, walls, and roofs with wood planks... When I lock a plank (with Ctrl), I can't make a row with it (mouse left click), it's annoying me since the rows made by the left click are the only ones that make the tiniest gaps between the planks (for my roofs I could only space it with the Ctrl and the directionnal keys, the gaps are too big and let rain go through!). I hope you understand me on this point, it's not easy to explain :/
    • I know you're planning to extend the block building, but I think that other constructions items are missing still... I thought about flat stone to make our own stone path, and also stone walls, like planks but with stone bricks! You could resize the depth of them too.
    • You could do the same with metal plates too!
    • A really nice addition that can be made is placable raw wood logs. Like a the wood logs that are already in game, but with a texture of raw tree wood, with the bark and all. It would cost a tree log, and give 5 raw wood logs (as one tree log allow to craft 5 chopped wood logs).


    • I know that you are planning to extend the water physics, and that you will do some really good things with it. I hope to see lakes and rivers! Rivers could be a good source of fresh water and even add the possibility to make water mills. Of course rivers will have a source in the mountains and finish in the oceans.
    • Also not possible until the water physic is reworked, but the water ponds look weird for now... The edges of the ponds are too vertical, it should be more like a smooth slope.
    • When you will add rivers, you should add underground rivers! Lave lakes will be cool too.
    • Two things that are bothering me in such a realistic game are Hell and mithril ore... I mean, mithril is not real, and there is no place with red stone and lava underneath the earth in real life... Maybe adding it as an option? And if there is no Hell, adding an unbreakable stone to the deepest layer of the map (and a lot of heat too) can be nice.
    • Forests seem like plains but with a lot of trees... You should add a new type of "grass", like dark humus with dead leaves and sticks. There could be a variation for the spruce forests with pine needles and pine cones. This type of groung will be purely decorative and could be arranged wide patches, while some patches of grass can still grow between trees in the forests.
    • Maybe smaller grass? Placed in the forests, cold plains, some patches of small grass in plains...

    Well, that's it for now. If you read it all... You're courageous!
    Joke appart, I know that the game is still in alpha, but I just wanted to share some ideas, for the future and also things that I think are missing in the current gameplay.

    Thanks for the reading, have a good day :)

  • Quote from Nekobi

    I think some raw food should make the player dizy. Raw potatoes are horrible to eat, and can also induce sickness... Maybe adding a "disgusted" or "dizzy" debuff if the player eat too much raw potatoes and meat? The players should cook their food in order to not have this. This "disgusted" debuff could make the hunger bar decrease faster for example.

    Sickness, consuming raw meat (even more for the raw chicken) and drinking dirty water (like in swamps) could poison the player. A debuff that make the hunger and thirst bars decrease a lot, prevent to run, and so on. Players have to take medicinal plants to heal themselves.

    Not really possible until the cooking update comes but this should definitely be included in the end.

    Quote from Nekobi

    I have encountered some problems when building floors, walls, and roofs with wood planks... When I lock a plank (with Ctrl), I can't make a row with it (mouse left click), it's annoying me since the rows made by the left click are the only ones that make the tiniest gaps between the planks (for my roofs I could only space it with the Ctrl and the directionnal keys, the gaps are too big and let rain go through!). I hope you understand me on this point, it's not easy to explain

    well you are probably doing something a bit wrong there because using the grid (G key) you can place planks one next to each other without gaps. you just need to use the smaller grids (by +/- keys). Also don't try to make a row with the left click place one plank at a time. I would be more than happy to show you how if you want to just send me a message on steam or discord (username is the same as here).

    Quote from Nekobi

    I know you're planning to extend the block building, but I think that other constructions items are missing still... I thought about flat stone to make our own stone path, and also stone walls, like planks but with stone bricks! You could resize the depth of them too.

    you can use the pnb (planks and beams) plugin for planks/beams/logs/triangles/windows with all the textures. You can find the plugin here to download: [Plug-in] Planks 'n Beams with ANY (built-in) texture

    Also I think a sphere and a cone are planed as further construction elements.

    Quote from Nekobi

    Two things that are bothering me in such a realistic game are Hell and mithril ore... I mean, mithril is not real, and there is no place with red stone and lava underneath the earth in real life... Maybe adding it as an option? And if there is no Hell, adding an unbreakable stone to the deepest layer of the map (and a lot of heat too) can be nice.

    well as you said it is realistic not real, and it is a game so such mechanics that don't exist in real life are expected and for most people wanted. Mithril will probably be used for armour in the next updates and hell well that is at -800 you need to try to get there so if you don't like it just don't go there ;)

    Quote from Nekobi

    When you will add rivers, you should add underground rivers! Lave lakes will be cool too.

    underground rivers are planned (i don't remember which thread red51 mentioned it in) and yes I would like to have lava as a placeable object too with the F5 tool.

    Quote from Nekobi

    Maybe smaller grass? Placed in the forests, cold plains, some patches of small grass in plains...

    if you want shorter grass for the area you are building you can use the sickle or scythe and instead of left clicking try right clicking. That should bring the grass to half the original size.

  • well you are probably doing something a bit wrong there because using the grid (G key) you can place planks one next to each other without gaps. you just need to use the smaller grids (by +/- keys). Also don't try to make a row with the left click place one plank at a time. I would be more than happy to show you how if you want to just send me a message on steam or discord (username is the same as here).You may

    Nah this is not it, let me explain it again: I'm already placing planks one by one, because the rows mechanics is too wierd for now. But if I'm placing all of them without gaps, it just seems like it's a unique big plank, do you see what I mean? It's not very pretty for my buildings, to my mind... The row system allows to make tiny gaps that make planks seems like real planks, where we can see each different plank. The gaps created by this row system are really tiny. If I place my planks one by one and leaving a gap between them so that they does not seem like a big plain wood wall, the gaps are at least twice as big as in the row system, rain can grow through it and so on...

    I hope this more is understable now ^^'

    you can use the pnb (planks and beams) plugin for planks/beams/logs/triangles/windows with all the textures.

    Oh okay, I'll look to it ^^
    But it's a plug-in, I think it could be better if it was directly in-game, you know?

    well as you said it is realistic not real, and it is a game so such mechanics that don't exist in real life are expected and for most people wanted. Mithril will probably be used for armour in the next updates and hell well that is at -800 you need to try to get there so if you don't like it just don't go there

    You're right, I mixed reality and realism, my bad... ^^'
    This is not that problematic after all, I just think it's a bit wierd.

    if you want shorter grass for the area you are building you can use the sickle or scythe and instead of left clicking try right clicking. That should bring the grass to half the original size.

    Hey thanks for the tip! I didn't know that...
    It's quite hard to find still :/
    But what I meant is that this smaller grass could spawn naturally too.

    Heh, with all that you've taken down half of my suggestions already... I've got too much imagination I think ^^'

  • ok I think I understand now, what you can do is use the smallest grid and change the resizing precision to say 1 by "setl 1" in the console (default is 10) then you can make your gaps as big as you want ;) other comamnds such as setr X and setp X exist for rotation angle and positioning precision try them out they are quite useful ;) Also you can use beams to "break" the giant plank in pieces.

    Defaults are 15 degrees for setr and 15 points for setp

    also the pnb plugin just uses console commands already available in the game. To get beams/logs/planks/triangles with the console you can type this: item woodplank/woodbeam/woodlog/woodplanktriangle Amount Texture e.g. for 3 plain stone planks: item woodplank 3 21)

    Don't worry about your suggestions many of these things have been suggested before as you suspected and many are certain to come so it is just a matter of waiting for the updates ;)

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