GTXGaming Server Host

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  • for scripts just extract the .zip file you can download from the forums to the "Scripts" folder.
    for plugins the same in the "plugins" folder but do not extract the .jar file that will be created after the first extraction.

  • The Zip file only extracts on my PC.. then I need to upload all three of those files that I explained in my first post. There is a *.jar file included in that unzipped file.

    There are usually two more files. The problem is that I'm not sure they belong in the scripts folder on the server. Access to the server is only on the web in the interface I showed on the screen. There is no standard filesystem like is shown in all the how-tos. So my question remains where do all three files go? I can't imagine they all go in the scripts folder... however, maybe I could add a folder for each in the scripts folder only keeping the jar in the scripts folder and the other two files in the folder... but the problem is that I don't know what path the *.jar calls to... this is why I was asking if anyone else has added scripts to a GTXgaming hosted server.

    Thank you for the reply.

  • As @Minotorious said:

    *) For old LUA scripts, the one you can download from the LUA Scripting forum section, they have to go in the server scripts folder, a sub-folder for each script;

    *) For new Java plug-ins, the ones you can downloaded from the Plugins forum section, they have to go in the server plugins folder, again a sub-folder for each plug-in.

    You screen shot does not show a plugins folder, then you have to create one with the New folder button. Please keep the capitalisation (actually, the lack of it) as shown above, as upper/lower case is significant in some operating systems and using Plugins instead of plugins would be enough for the plug-ins not to be recognised.

    As a general rule, any and each of the files you find in the archive (ZIP or whatever) you downloaded has to be uploaded to the proper server sub-folder, regardless its type: if it is there, it usually means it is required by the script/plug-in. If the archive you downloaded has its own sub-folders, they too have to be uploaded to the script/plug-in own folder.

    In practice, once you unZIPped the downloaded archive locally on your computer, its whole file structure has to be uploaded to the script/plug-in own sub-folder as it is.

    The bare minimum files you will get are:

    *) for old LUA scripts, a <some_name>.LUA file and a definition.xml file;

    *) for new Java plug-ins, a <some_name>.jar file.

    But, as I said, there might be more and all of them need to be there in the server.

  • ok if it has a .jar file then you are talking about a plugin and NOT a script. considering the extensions .dds and .car I think you are talking about the SimpleCars plugin. In that case the only thing you need to extract is the SimlpeCar and upload the folder SimpleCar as it is (i.e. with all its contents, assets folder, jar file and the three png files) in the server plugins folder. If you want to add the other vehicles then you should unzip and upload all the files to the assets subfolder in the SimpleCar directory.

  • So none of that worked. Created the plugins folder all lower case... added an assets folder in the plugins folder for the assets since its likely that this is where the simplecar.jar file will look for the assets.

    shouldn't the *.jar file go into the "lib" folder with all the other *.jar files?

  • ok does your file system structure look exactly like this?

    RisingWorld <-directory
    ---plugins <-directory inside RisingWorld
    ------SimpleCar <-directory inside plugins
    ---------assets <-directory inside SimpleCar
    ---------SimpleCar.jar <-jar file inside SimpleCar directory
    ---------bg_speedometer.png <-image inside SimpleCar directory
    ---------gasstation.png <-image inside SimpleCar directory
    ---------screwdriver.png <-image inside SimpleCar directory

    I am sorry but I really cannot understand your problem if your filesystem structure looks exactly like that, which it should if you just extracted the zip file and uploaded the folder created directly to the server plugins directory. The plugin should work on your server. I know of at least one server that was using this specific plugin without problems.

    shouldn't the *.jar file go into the "lib" folder with all the other *.jar files?

    no the lib directory is for the game jar files, you shouldn't change anything there or your game may stop working properly.

  • Yes, the file structure looks like that... the server even created a bkup folder in the SimpleCar folder... I don't know why its not working still.

    Ok... NOW it works... needed to reload the plugins...


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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