Accessing my own Dedicated Server remotely - Steam Does not Allow

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  • I have a dedicated server set up and running on my workstation at home for testing and development of a new world to be implemented in a few days. It is set to invisible and password protected. Other users can access from all over the world. I can access it if I use localhost as my IP address and I am running the client on the server itself.

    The problem is that when I try to get on the server from another computer (I have tried both at home, and from another network.), Steam gives me a warning that I am logged on to another computer running the dedicated server and that if i log in here, it will disconnect me there.

    Is there any way to connect to my server other than from my server and avoid this issue?

    Hope this question is not too confusing.



  • Are you login in for the server updates as yourself or anonymous? When I am updating my server it is under anonymous. Not sure if that helps, another thing do you have two step verification on? If so you can see what other computers you are logged into. It is under setting,account manage Steam guard. Also I just remember Red made it "[New] Game runs in offline mode now if Steam authentication fails" wonder if that might have something to do with it?


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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