Just a couple ideas.

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • So I had a couple ideas that could be added in at some point during development, I'm going to keep this somewhat short and sweet so it won't be a huge hassle.

    1. A 3d Model System: I think there should be a system within the game that allows the player to access a table/machine and design their own material. Just as real human civilization has it's own diverse cultures, people could create their own hats, muskets, swords, axes, tools, house style, clothing style and even down to what kind of markings go down on the wood in their longhouse or totem pole. (unless you planned to add this in with the release of schematics. if you didn't then here's your inspiration.)

    2. I can't stress this enough, player Accessability. the idea of adding in Lua files and components are great, but i have to say that it is imperative for the server owner or singular player to be able to access this game in a way that most modern games won't let you. if they want to have the ability to custom build their world to their needs or to add fire damage to a sword for an "RPG" server they want to start up like minecraft then they should be able to do so. whether it be from console command or mod or addon. customization is imperative and you guys are definitely going in the right direction. the ability for this game to become a "multigame" like minecraft and the current potential is extraordinary. you guys are (if you play your cards right) making the next big minecraft. Whereas minecraft is the CoD of sandbox games, this will be the Battlefield series of sandbox games. it will become it's equal/competitor.

    In short, if someone wants to host a fantasy server on some sort of island they made in an editor fighting giant dragons and underground goblins or if i want to host a server set in 1916 Europe charging the Germans with the Russian army using bolt action rifles and tanks/mortars or building my own world with its own lore and a steam punk theme, it should be do-able.

    Thank you for reading my suggestions and i would hope that this sparks new idea's and/or becomes a feature of the game for the entertainment of the masses. :saint:

  • Hi Dethorath,

    thanks for your suggestions! :)

    1. This sounds really cool, but is a little bit complicated to implement. We have to split this into several aspects: On the one hand, things like custom house styles, furniture etc. won't be a problem, since we're implementing an extended construction system anyway, which enables you to build very detailed constructions with high precision. So if you don't like - for example - the standard chair objects, you can simply build your own (with the limitation, that you cannot interact with them like with the provided objects, so they're just decoration). The extended construction system is not only useful for custom furniture, but also for building a house with it (e.g. a small wood shack), or to extent your current building with details.
    Things like custom markings are already possible, since you're able to upload custom images from your harddrive. This feature is useful to put posters, signs or markings into the world, which other players can see in multiplayer. Images with transparency - like PNG and GIF - are supported, that should be very suitable for any kind of markings.
    On the other hand, things like tools or weapons are not that easy to implement, since they require animations (at least a gun should have adequate reload animations), and that's complicated when the player fully designs the model on his own. But at least it should be possible that the server replaces existing models with custom models (see point 2) ;)

    2. Thanks for your nice words and your positive attitude ^^ We will continuously extend the lua functionality, so that it really becomes a "light version of modding". That means that you have a lot of possibilities to influence the gameplay and individualize the expirience on your server. As mentioned, we're also planning that a serverowner can offer custom models (like a modelpack) and perhaps also custom sounds, which were downloaded automatically when a player connects and which replaces the original ones.
    Another big aspect is the creative mode: It will be a mixture of the Minecraft creative mode and an editor. That means that you can not only design the world, but also create custom quests or breath life into your towns etc. You will get everything you need to place NPCs in the world (monsters, animals, and also humans), define their behaviour (e.g. if a monster is hostile, or if a human serves as a guard, or a trader, or if it's just someone who tells you the server rules or any custom dialog), create markings and triggers in the world and much more. This is a very user-friendly and comfortable way to create custom maps/worlds without any programming skills. But if you combine the creative mode with lua scripts, you have an extremely powerful instrument in your hands ;)
    So your scenarios like the fantasy server or the WWI server won't be a problem.

    There is only one catch: It'll take some time until this all is implemented, since there are currently still some core features missing ;) But it's coming step by step.

  • As far as the 1st section goes I was approaching this sort of like EA games Spore with its creative editor. I've yet to see another game pull off that much intuitive user design and i can just imagine the possibilities if it was implemented here! But seriously i have to thank you and your team for undertaking the creation of this game. I'll be sure to enjoy it once i get enough spare cash to buy it. :P

  • Yes, I remember the editor in Spore. We have to think about it whether and to what extent we can implement something like that :)
    Thanks again for your nice words! :) If you have any further suggestions or ideas: Simply tell us :)

  • Will do and speaking of telling you about new ideas. I literally just came up with this a few minutes ago, what if the schematic/blueprint idea was taken to a whole other level? Here's what i got:

    When using a workbench or some form of craftsmans tools, you'd obviously be using the 3d/spore editor (of course it wouldn't be called that for copyright reasons) and you create this blueprint of an orcish hammer for the sake of argument, then you take this blueprint which is COMPLETELY unique to you and it's represented by a piece of paper in your hands that you can look down upon, sort of like how Mojang did their map in minecraft except with a little more flavor; here's that flavor, a player in your server with an empty piece of paper that they either craft or the server gives them through a little non-deletable slot in their inventory (depending on the server or how you guys would work this idea) would be able to come over to you, look down at this blank piece of paper and go "Hm, this is an issue. I have no schematics nor blueprint upon my paper." Boom, the person with the orc hammer blueprint would left click on this person, confirm that they want to give this idea to them and it COPIES the blueprint over to that other person thus giving them the ability to make it, plus they can also lose it if they die in battle or some other gruesome way. (or not depending on what direction you guys would want to take this) But anyway, the person receiving the blueprint would then look down at the paper they currently hold and whatever they receive, be it a building/sword/musical instrument etc. would then see a little loading bar and when that loading bar finishes "HOLY COW! i have this awesome orcish hammer! thank you random person who is now about to rob me!"

    I'll let you guys know if i come up with anything else xD.

    P.S. This is going to sound a bit stupid but i would assume fire is also being implemented with the ability to spread? along with the ability to create Thatch from cutting grass?

  • This sounds interesting, but there are some problems coming with it: When every player creates unique items, and a server is commonly visited, there will be a lot of unique items and accordingly a huge amount of data the server has to transfer to the players.
    Apart from that, we have to define how much freedom the player has when creating an object. If you get a lot of freedom (what makes an ingameeditor also more complicated to use), there will definitely be some players creating some very strange items 8|
    Another question is how some parameters like the amount of damage a sword deals are defined. It would be strange, when a "block" blade deals more damage than a sharp one.

    Where an editor definitely makes sense is when it comes down to objects respectively furniture. As mentioned, you'll be able to create individual furniture and objects with the extended construction system, and it might be useful if you're able to save your constructed object into a blueprint or something similar, so that you can recreate it easily without doing a precision job everytime.

    Blueprints in general are also planned for houses: You'll be able to "save" your house into a blueprint, to rebuild exactly the same house also on other servers.

    But anyway: Every form of an editor, irrespective of what you create with it, will take a while until it's available ;)

    About fire: Yes, when there is an uncontrolled fire, it will spread and burn down plants and wood constructions. "Controlled" fires like torches, candles etc. wont spread; it would be possible to implement something like that (in reallife a scrub also takes fire when you place a torch inside it ^^), but due to gameplay reasons I think it would be better if those fires are "safe".

    And yes, you will also be able to create thatches in the future ;)

  • When using a workbench or some form of craftsmans tools, you'd obviously be using the 3d/spore editor (of course it wouldn't be called that for copyright reasons) and you create this blueprint of an orcish hammer for the sake of argument, then you take this blueprint which is COMPLETELY unique to you and it's represented by a piece of paper in your hands that you can look down upon, sort of like how Mojang did their map in minecraft except with a little more flavor; here's that flavor, a player in your server with an empty piece of paper that they either craft or the server gives them through a little non-deletable slot in their inventory (depending on the server or how you guys would work this idea) would be able to come over to you, look down at this blank piece of paper and go "Hm, this is an issue. I have no schematics nor blueprint upon my paper." Boom, the person with the orc hammer blueprint would left click on this person, confirm that they want to give this idea to them and it COPIES the blueprint over to that other person thus giving them the ability to make it, plus they can also lose it if they die in battle or some other gruesome way. (or not depending on what direction you guys would want to take this) But anyway, the person receiving the blueprint would then look down at the paper they currently hold and whatever they receive, be it a building/sword/musical instrument etc. would then see a little loading bar and when that loading bar finishes "HOLY COW! i have this awesome orcish hammer! thank you random person who is now about to rob me!"

    Cool story :thumbsup::thumbsup: But what do you have to do to be able to craft an awesome orcish hammer? If everybody is able to craft it, why should I beg for a blueprint from someone else (every child knows that I craft the most legendary orcish hammers :P )?

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • I understand the difficulty and i wouldn't take my ideas at face value, i would say just do what you can within your power and take it as far as it will go :)

  • I understand the difficulty and i wouldn't take my ideas at face value, i would say just do what you can within your power and take it as far as it will go :)

    Yeah, that's exactly the background of this forum, to gather ideas ;) If they can't be implemented exactly in this way, or if they will just be implemented in a later stage of development, it's good to discuss them here anyway. And even if they don't find their way into the game, they might serve as an inspiration for other features at least :)

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