Different languages

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  • Hello there !

    First of all, my english might be a bit rusty so... apologies.
    I've been wandering through the different files in the installation folders, looking for a text-file. But it appears there is none. So I guess everything is written inside the code which could make things harder to get out.
    Anyway, did you make any plasn about some translations ?
    I can say for myself that I would gladly translate it in french as soon as the file will be available.

  • At present, the only officially supported languages are English and German. Perhaps in the future when the game is out of alpha then additional language support will be added when these language files are changed less frequently. You can however easily patch the file yourself and possibly keep the updated file available on the forums here as a mod. I think that someone else is doing the same for Chinese and Spanish. Keep in mind that since this is unofficial, you'll want to maintain a file outside of the game folder since each update will overwrite risingworld-core.jar.

    Here's the mod:

    • locate the risingworld-core.jar file under the data folder in your game directory.
    • extract the file with a zip program
    • modify bundles/Bundles_en.properties file
    • zip the folder back up and save as a new risingworld-core.jar file.

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