Very slow chunk loading

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  • Hi,

    I've been playing for a few days now and I have a recurrent problem.
    Every time I start a new world or load an existing one, chunk are loading slowly. I've tried changing the view distance and the chunk distance, but even at the minimum the game doesn't seems to load.
    It get stuck. On the graph in the lower right, the RAM is in red and goes up to 500Mb even if I got 3.2 Go allocated at maximum.
    The only way to have the chunk loaded is to pause the game, and wait, sometimes up to 10 minutes.
    My Java version is correct (a 64-bit jre8 on W10), my CPU is a i7 a bit old but yet, and my graphic card is a GTX770.

    If anyone has an idea...

  • how much system ram do you have in total? and how healthy is your hard drive? I've read that this game consumes a bit of hard drive i/o so an old mechanical drive might cause a bottleneck. However, I haven't ran disk monitoring tools yet to verify this claim. i run an SSD on SATA and have slow load times. Typically the initial generation and saving of a chunk takes a little longer. re-exploring older areas should be quicker.

    what generation i7 do you have?

  • Here's my config :

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
    8.00 Go RAM

    The game is installed on a 4 years old drive on SATA.
    I'll will re-install it on my SSD (less than 1 yo) and check.

    Ok I did it.
    There is a significative increase in performance. It seems your assumption was right :) .
    Thanks a lot.

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