Market Stalls Function

  • Alright, thanks to another topic I felt it was 100% necessary to give this its own topic again after letting loose some thoughts there. The market stall we current have has to find some use soon (also in anticipation with player models update) that it should behave as a barrel chest storage for food items, and anything else to see. You should be able to 'AFK' barter securely by being able to place food items there and then having the stall ask for payment in return with items being desired in return. If you place melons you should be able to see them in the stall basket to then pay coal, iron ore, or whichever to then have it auto-barter for you. This is unless Red51 has a better idea via NPCs.

    Market Stalls should indeed inspire from the food plate idea going on in Medieval Engineers where there are storage slots to display food to then being able to see that food displayed.

    Bonus: Buckets should inspire from Stranded Deep bucket system that when it rains your bucket fills up with water without despawning in the world.

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