[Plugin] that lists all installed plugins

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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  • Hi all,
    I've written a small plugin that lists all installed plugins with name, description and version as noted in the respective .yml files.

    The plugin is activated with the command /listPlugins (for admins only)

    The output looks like this:

  • Where do you install the plugin at?

    since its a java file and not a .zip file, im not sure where to place it

    Each plugin requires a separate subfolder in the plugins folder of the game. So in order to use this plugin, make sure to put the pluginlist-1.0.0.jar into a folder (which could be called PluginList, for example) inside the plugins folder, so it has this folder structure:

    Rising World
    |__ plugins
    |__ PluginList
    |__ pluginlist-1.0.0.jar

    But please bear in mind that this plugin is for the Java version of the game (i.e. the current "default game"), so unfortunately it won't work with the new version of the game (the one that's currently in a beta branch and needs to be enabled manually) ;)

  • Each plugin requires a separate subfolder in the plugins folder of the game. So in order to use this plugin, make sure to put the pluginlist-1.0.0.jar into a folder (which could be called PluginList, for example) inside the plugins folder, so it has this folder structure:

    Rising World
    |__ plugins
    |__ PluginList
    |__ pluginlist-1.0.0.jar

    But please bear in mind that this plugin is for the Java version of the game (i.e. the current "default game"), so unfortunately it won't work with the new version of the game (the one that's currently in a beta branch and needs to be enabled manually) ;)

    Thank you for the reply. That is exactly what i wanted to know, thank you very much. XD

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