Script Authentication

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  • Hello,

    We are currently working on a lua script for when we arrive on a server we enter a username and password.

    To better protect servers and players.

    We would need aid being no expert in lua.
    That would be helpful to have a can help.

    Best Regards

  • The username is the Authentication of the user. As far as long as you turn on the serverhive in your config file your server will verify every user that will connect. :) Its kind of like Minecraft with the offline dedicated server. You only really need this for any local server and usually there you dont need a login.

  • hi,
    i want to script lua!,..But how can i learn the basics?
    only for Rising-World.

    Dutch|Netherlands| A man with a plan they call me

  • We are working on our wiki, hopefully it will be ready soon. It will give you an overview of all events and functions you can use in LUA, that should be very helpful :)

    @Donsy: is a good starting point for learning the basics.

    To find out how scripts do work exactly for our game, have a look at our example scripts and perhaps also at the tutorial on IndieDB:…/basic-scripting-tutorial

  • Here you can have a little look at what I've written.
    It's not finished yet. But you can also edit like .

    Administration.lua is not standalone - there is no way to run the code for debugging or testing.

    So many commands are missing: sscanf, SendPlayerMessage, LogString, GetMaxPlayers, getCharacterById, IsPlayerConnected, character:*, SendPlayerMessage, PlayAnimation... the list goes on and on.

    Did this come from another game engine? If so, it's really not useful at all. ;(

  • News :

    We have advanced for the time we did the teleport and kill.

    / kill and / tp

    We are about to move on a group management system and also on access to the Server DB.

    Here are the news.

    The suite is on a separate authentication system but this is thinking about the best method to use red51 thank for his clarifications.

  • Hi, I'm working with liberodark on the script, and we have plenty of idea !

    Like libero said, I've implemented two function so far /kill and /tp, basically, /kill reduce the health of a player to 0, and /tp teleport you to the position of an other player. We're right now trying to solve some issues with the /kill command, which kill the player you want to kill (if you're log as an admin of course) but also crash the game ^^' not that helpfull eh ? I'm trying to find what I did wrong ;)

    I'll post the script as soon as it'll be working fine !

  • The /kill is fully working, and so is the /tp. However, it seems that the setPlayerPosition function I'm using isn't working as expected, wainting for Red51 to tell me a lil bit more about it ! :)

    Edit : script online [SCRIPT] Zcript

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