Poster padding on furniture (table, cupboards)

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • Hello,
    I have noticed that bug (I think it's a bug) sometimes ago. When you want to place a poster on a table (well on a woodplank inserted on a table), the poster will spawn with a variable padding instead of the wanted placement. previsualisation is good but when placed, It is padded like that :

    I found a workaround : remove the table, put the poster on the plank and after that, replace the table, it will be ok :

    I try on survival and creative, same behavior. I did this example with table, but it's the same on cupboards. I tryed to put a poster of books in a cupboard and it had an horizontal padding (depends of the orientation of the poster I suppose).

  • You can place the poster without removing the table. By removing the wrong placed poster try to remove the poster from direction under the table. But you could remove the table too. Maybe poster is placed correctly by changing the position. It's a bit tricky.
    This feature should be fixed a little bit.

  • A workaround I have found that helps 98% of the time is to place a piece of glass on surface where you want to place the poster. The glass piece can be very small or you can make it really big so that you can remove it after the poster is placed. Hope this helps. (once I tried to place something and couldn't figure out where the heck it went; I found it mid air on the second floor! lol)

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