Questions re: Blueprints and game Modes

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • Just started playing this game a few days ago, and have a lot to questions:

    When I use a blueprint does the item or structure just 'appear' in my world -- I do not need to have any materials nor resources, and I don't actually build or construct the item or structure? When I see the word 'blueprint' I presumed it would be a plan/guide to build something and I'd need to procure the necessary resources and then build it.

    Can blueprints of buildings, structures or other items containing blocks be rotated or can the item or structure be rotated before final placement? In my searches for information I've found multiple instances where this subject has been brought up dating back to 2015, and answers that it would be addressed in the future.

    If I make a blueprint of a building I've constructed, will the blueprint also include any items I've placed in the rooms, such as furniture or crafting stations, or just the building itself (walls, floors, etc.)?

    If I have started playing in single-player version, in Survival Mode, does changing to 'Creative Mode' and then back to Survival mode have any consequences?

    Thank you for your time and assistance.

  • Blueprints make the items just appear by magic :) You don't need ressources for it (except the blueprint itself).

    If the blueprint contains any blocks, you can rotate it in the 4 directions (N, S, E, W). Without containing blocks, you can rotate it much smoother.

    The building will appear with most items, e.g. chests, but the chests will be empty. Furniture, crafting stations etc will also appear. Plants like flowers or trees will not appear.

    Currently, switching between the modes has only the consequence that you might get used to creative mode (collecting is quicker and safer, and you will not die from hunger). :P I experienced no serious consequence except that in the beginning I felt as if cheating when I used creative mode.

    Maybe in future one or another point might change, currently you can freely use any mode you want.

    Enjoy the game :D

  • Oh yeah. Blueprinting things that contain blocks will mean that the blueprint only rotates by 90 degrees. But when you only blueprint items and construction stuffs, it can rotate a lot more freely.

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

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