Planks & Beams - Extended

  • I'm trying to extend my building knowledge of the 'Planks & Beams' mechanic, now being unable to live without it in my games, that I'm now desiring specific ways of the planks & beams to handle. I'm sure I'm going to forget a few that I may have to double-post them in, yet the ones that I desire now being below

    • Having a way to save orientations by using a hotkey to bring them back into place. It carries over from one stack to the next, yet I'd love to save an orientation (maybe the size as well) to be able to snap things in with ease. I don't care which key, just any key to just press "2" then you'd have it pointing 90 degrees in the other direction, or something. Basically something similar to how you hit 'backspace' to default position.
    • Being able to type in how large or small you want your planks & beams to be when you know what size they're at. Suggesting this so you don't go back to judge how big it is compared to the other set planks, beams, and logs, & etc that it forces you to up signs and keeps you playing all in one sitting. In whatever way you desire you'd go from size 1-5, or whatever the max size is.
    • Being able to look around when placing planks, beams, and logs. The same thing should be applied when placing ladders, and etc.
    • There needs to be a notification for when planks, beams, and logs touch something so you can snap them into place so there's no levitating elements.
    • PNB mechanics need to be given a full on journal & wiki entry on all the key commands, and how they behave, and etc.
    • We need curved & angled PNB elements to build in more detailed ways. Triangular, curved, rounded, among other sorts.
    • A way to choose where & how PNB aligned, in a way to snap things in the middle of something, on an edge, & etc. When you try to place it into a spot it eludes you in various ways that you end up fighting with it that it should simply go where you desire it to go by using a system similar to the dirt & stone placement system. It's hard to word, yet easy to see when you have floating planks you want to align onto in various ways.

    I'm sure there's more that I may have to edit them above, or if someone replied, to post below while adding to the above...

  • Updated with three more bullet points thanks to my latest sessions building a wooden tower where things ended up becoming complicated. Learned of the 'enter' option, something I wish was listed in the journal, or something, that we need a journal & wiki entry on the whole PNB system.

    Also desiring angled, curved, and circular elements so I can also complete this triangular & curvy roof. Would also be nice to have curved elements to bend around corners in various manners.

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