Fire Voxel Bug

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  • @red51
    I was finishing the end of my hall running under and thru my wall. There are iron mount wall torches on each side of the entry way, both inside and outside.
    The first two screen shots are of the entrances just before I hung the metal door. All torches appear to be normal. Until I hung the door-I think.

    The text on the screen shots label what is being shown, as clearly as I can show them.

  • this is just a visual glitch that occurs with many items, namely planks, beams, torches, etc. when placing other items next to them. If you relog the problem should be fixed.

  • Not quite Minotorious.

    This is not simply a visual glitch. Logging does nothing. It is a problem with the voxels interacting with each other. and often occurs when several diff. materials interact: such as stone, wood, fire and metal. Particularly if you are using any sort of stretched voxels. The only ones of those we have currently here, seems to be the 1/3 blocks. Note that you need to set these on squares using the grid because of the distortion of the voxel faces and attraction to closest.

    I've seen these fire voxel glitches on Landmarkthegame, that were similar.
    I sent in an interesting visual display of planks and boards, here on this forum, last year when building a log cabin. The logs did a lovey job interaction with the planks.

    The way to disperse these glitches was to destroy a few of the voxels in the area, then do an area clear. This allowed you to realign the voxel sides so that they usually did not glitch, and you could rebuild. We dont have the ablity to area clear here, yet.

  • So you did try relogging and it didn't fix it or you didn't try it at all? Also could other people see the glitch or were you the only one who saw it in game?

    If that didn't work a good solution is to destroy 1-2 blocks and place them back or pickaxe the ground near your glitched voxel.

    I don't understand what process the area clear command you are referring to should carry out. There exists an cleararea command in RW (through the plugin API) that removes all objects/items/terrain/etc. from an area but I doubt that is what you meant.

  • I always try relogging for any glitch.
    Sorry, but no others saw it. However, If it can be screen shot, I thought that there was a good sign that it existed.

    My server restricts all plug-ins so the area clear command dosn't exist for us at this time.

    What did fix it was, as you said, destroy a couple of blocks around the area and replace them.

    What I meant by the area command clear is based on full voxel play in the first bulding game on line, Landmarkthegame. Every builder had control of the voxels. Build a reactor in game and you could shape the voxel, from a normal block to a permanent large block, puffy block, tiny block, thin stretched out block. These could be templated and stored in your library as a permanent shape to build with. It was not the same as scaling a block.

    This procedure did cause a distortion in your building space at times, and this gave some very interesting glitches. The devs said that to permanently cure this you needed to fill the space full of clean blocks, and then clear it out with an area clear. This cleaned the space and stopped the glitches.

  • @Minotorious the festival on your server sounds great.
    I have missed building events, we builders did them in Landmark for the Holidays, Halloween, Christmas, Fall.

    I'm glad to see that you're doing them, and I will be there on the 25th to see all the sights.
    It's a great way to keep the community stretching their imaginations and interacting.

    I think building competitions keep communities interested. Hard to get bored when you see such interesting ways of doing other things. Ideas keep building on each other through interaction.

  • thanks graysilk hope it goes well and we get many people to come vote on our builds :D , in fact I am just advertising our events two players from Landmark told us about them and are organising it (FelonyMelanie and MissBehaven hope I spelled both correctly XD )

    On the actual thread topic:

    hmm yes I know your server's restricts plugin use but maybe an admin can use the commands if they code it in, not sure how you would go about creating that kind of area clear in RW but maybe there is a way and I haven't seen it in the API yet

  • Sorry I'm late in reply. What I mean on the area clear command is this:

    You build a huge tower and when you get it done, you discover that it is not what you want, it is not the right height, or the mat's aren't giving you the effect you wanted with your lighting. It just is not right (even though the small test version looked pretty good).

    So you cast your area clear command, which draws a large adjustable box around the huge tower (looks like the blueprint box), and when you have it all boxed in, hit enter.
    Poof!. The huge tower is gone. All the blocks placed back in your inventory.
    No taking it apart block by block by block.

    Of course we would then need an inventory that could hold more than 32 items or we'd buried up to our neck in a huge pile of blocks :).

    I've just described the area clear command from Landmark, I do this because it and RW were/are voxel based games.

    I've got a feeling that this one needs to be an RW incorporated game command, not a plug-in, as it involves greatly expanded inventory transfer.

    On my wishlist. ^^

  • ok I understand what you mean now, there are currently plugins that can do that (apart from the items returning to inventory part) and I believe even in your server you have a custom version of those plugins but they can only be used by admins, this is mainly because they don't respect the area protection permissions.

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