Prima Servers - Official Server Host

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

  • Hi!

    My name is Dennis, and I'm CEO of Prima Servers, a Danish GSP. We were approached by the developers of Rising World in December, and they wanted us to be an official server host - something we said yes to without hesitating. We love the game. We've been working on translating our website to English, but we've probably missed something. If you stumble upon anything that doesn't look English, please let us know (we're aware of the the slider in the front page not being English yet - that will be translated soon). :)

    A little information about our service:

    • You're paying for the amount of RAM you want - slots can be anything you want
    • All servers are running SSD
    • All servers are protected by most network attacks - we haven't had any downtime for more than one and a half year due to network attacks
    • You'll be able to create a free MySQL database
    • We'll make sure that updates are available to install from the control panel ASAP*
    • We're currently the only GSP using TCAdmin that supports Rising World completely**
    • Daily backups are stored on remote servers - just contact us if you need a backup of your server (we keep backups for three days)

    * You will also be able to upload the update yourself if you want to
    ** We've worked together with the developer of TCAdmin to have a working query method implemented - we're currently the only TCAdmin host having access to this

    A little about us:

    As I already said, we're a game service provider registered in Denmark. We are three guys working on this 'project', which we tend to call it - Kristian, Morten and me, Dennis. You've probably heard this before, but we want to make it clear that we're not in this for the money - it's more of a project for us, as I said before. For the 2 years we've been running (started late 2012), we haven't taken a single Danish krone (the currency in Denmark) out of the company. Everything we've earned has been used to expand the company. As much as we'd like to make a living out of this, we much rather want to provide a fantastic service for our customers. Also if that means we can't buy a drink for ourselves. Why do I want to make this clear? Because we like to make it clear to you that we care very much for our customers. We started hosting servers because we wanted to challenge the GSP's in Denmark because we thought their service was sloppy - and within a few months we were recommended by users on various Danish forums - that were a huge kick for us.
    Kristian and I have been working together on hosting servers for various games since 2010, and Morten chose to join us in early 2013. Morten is a Minecraft enthusiast, so if you have any questions regarding that, he'll be glad to help you out. Kristian and I will of course also be ready to assist you if you have any questions regarding any kind of game service that we host.

    Visit to access our site in English.

    Because this game is in alpha, we're offering a discount if you order within January 10th 12:00AM CET. Use the promocode 'RISINGWORLD' to get a 25% lifetime discount!

    Please let us know if you have any questions :)

    We hope to see you as a future customer!
    Kind regards,
    Kristian, Morten and Dennis

    Get your own Rising World server today!

  • We're currently testing SteamCMD with our servers. This allows us to customize a lot of things from the command line instead of having them configured in the properties file, so customers shouldn't have any trouble if they accidently delete their file anymore since IP and port is no longer specified in that file.

    Wondering whether or not to rent a server at Prima Servers? Save half the worries and half the money by using the promo code 'RW-SteamCMD' (without the apostrophes) - 50% off for ever until the 1st of February 2015.

    Get your own Rising World server today!

  • I can recommend these guys. I had a Conan server there and it was solid. They have really great costumer service, they have replied to me when I was sure no one would be at work and they always reply very fast. Also the hosting is cheap

    5/5 :thumbsup:

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