Rising World (Fake) VR

  • Do you desire to play Rising World in VR? Until it's officially supported by Red51 you can do the following trick to play Rising World, or any other game in 'fake' VR. I say fake because it's unofficial support that you have to take the long way around into making it work.


    - Rising World's 'Fake' VR:

    - Thread to this can be found here:


    Disclaimer: You may have to tweak and map the controllers accordingly. I haven't gone far enough to test this that strange things may occur, your character may twirl, screen may 'rip', and etc. Follow this at your own risk. Stronger the computer, the better. The more you're personally informed about how this works, the better. Do your gaming research.


    Developer Quotes:

  • From December till June I've seen VR progress leaps and bounds that it amazes me with what we're capable of doing. It's awesome. I'm still proud of owning a Rift that I don't see it as a "novelty wearing off", nor as a "gimmick" that I'm going to keep going strong with it.


    - Rising World VR - Using ReShade:

    - 3D/VR Screen: https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1411189421
    - ReShade: https://reshade.me/
    - Steam Thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app…ns/0/3559414588248610070/
    - Steam ReShade Colour Saturation: https://steamcommunity.com/app…ns/0/3559414588250527503/
    - ReShade Colour Saturation (Main): Rising World is now compatible with ReShade

    It appears that we're inching gradually closer to being able to use Rising World itself in a VR setting that it's making me happy. Walter is having a blast experimenting with ReShade & Superdepth3d allowing him to view games in 3D, something VR headsets need to use as well (as seen in above link).

    I also see Walter messing about with Rising World using ReShade as colour saturation & bloom that it gives it a more "juicy" & beautifully raw atmosphere to the whole game.


    I honestly wish that this progress here can be used for the official Rising World VR where we can somehow be able to gesture our actions while also interacting with our environments in VR, VRchat & CyubeVR style. :D

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