Client will not connect to hive

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  • Today I have come to play RW and there is a problem of the game not connecting to hive. This is to do with my client. My server still connects as it should without any problems. My internet connection is reporting ok, firewall configured correctly as the server runs from the same internet connection and that is not reporting any errors. i have tried it on my laptop under steam as well and have the same issue, Ive tried resetting the router so it aquires a fresh WAN Ip address. I cant even connect to my own server on the same network using direct local IP address unless I turn off hive verification. The only option left to investigate is my actual account with JIW-Games.

    Please can you let me know if my account is still valid, I would hope it is being as I paid full price for this game. I also cant think of any reason why my account would be suspended as I have never behaved in an antisocial or malicious way while playing on my own or others servers.

    I do hope this issue can be resolved so I can carry on developing my server for the community.


  • Same here - can't find any logs but I suspect the HIVE server is down.

  • relax, this happens alot, Red is working on the problem, it wil be up asap.

  • Same here - can't find any logs but I suspect the HIVE server is down.

    You can play offline and still connect to your server. But then you are an unknown player, which does not help much.

    There should really be some redundancy for the user authentication, this single point failure is annoying!

  • Sorry for the inconvenience! It was a problem with our servers, or more precisely, the problem wasn't caused by our servers, it was caused by the hive. Today was a bad timing, that's the reason why it took so long until this issue was sorted out :/ We will rework the hive in the next weeks to make it more robust and less error-prone.

    Nevertheless, everything should be online again. If you still experience any issues, please let us know :)

    Please can you let me know if my account is still valid, I would hope it is being as I paid full price for this game

    Don't worry, we never suspend or ban any accounts ;) Even if we shutdown our servers somewhere in the future (this will not happen so quickly), the game will still run. In order to play multiplayer under these conditions, servers just need to disable hive-verification on their side.

    There should really be some redundancy for the user authentication, this single point failure is annoying!

    We already have a HA-cluster to make sure that a single server outage never interrupts the service. But this doesn't help if either the whole data center is offline (where our servers are located), or if the actual software running on these servers cause the problem... :|

    You can play offline and still connect to your server. But then you are an unknown player, which does not help much.

    Usually the player name will be stored locally, at least if the client was able to connect to the hive in the past. But multiplayer servers reject players if there is no connection to the authentication server (this behaviour can be disabled, as mentioned, but it's not recommendable).

  • Usually the player name will be stored locally, at least if the client was able to connect to the hive in the past. But multiplayer servers reject players if there is no connection to the authentication server (this behaviour can be disabled, as mentioned, but it's not recommendable).

    This did not work for me yesterday. I play on Exxter's server, and he had set server_hive_verification=false. He could play with his normal character whereas I could only play as Unknown User. I suspect this was because he was authenticated by Steam whereas I was not.

    But anyway thanks for restoring the service. We have to take it as it comes :)

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