just some minds

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  • a pipe and pump system that allows to transfer water and maybe to build a watermill - used later to create flour and later electricity

    temperature and maybe seasons - cloths must be changed to avoid overheating or undercooling

    perishiable items

    straw and palm leaves for the rooftop
    iron t-beams
    maybe bamboo
    maybe the straw can be used for baskets too

    shingles - maybe made in a kiln

    hay (maybe later for the animals)

    fish and fishing, insects as bait

    more animals in general - im dreaming of red pandas.

    wandering animals - later maybe creatures, undead, npcs and kind like that

    a defending system - to time you can use a sword or something with rmb and lmb so shields would be great for the one handed weapons

    stones and pillars with a higher and shorter curvature angle

    grooved structure

    crouching seems not working

    maybe a special use for the bloodstone?

  • The combat mechanics really need to be improved.

    Agreed, especially the horizontal swing (or lack thereof) with melee weapons. It seems like the animation portrays the player "drawing circles" with his sword. It also wouldn't hurt to have a semi-automatic rifle/pistol, since the bolt action rifle reloading is pretty slow.

  • i want to mind too:

    that it would be wonderful to build traps. traps for hunting and traps for pvp or to place spikes like in the dungeons AND mid-range weapons. laces, spears and things like that.

    and a big thing in general is the survival-thing itself: its not pretty hard to survival. yes the dungeons sometimes not easy but i am missing creatures trying to eat my brain.


  • crouching seems not working

    Long time ago I took notice of that. I press C and it feels like my charakter is getting 1 mm down. Sometimes it is important for building. So I fly F2

    Tschak - Wenn ich gewusst hätte, was die alles damit in die Massen tragen :| Werdet Euch klar, was Ihr wirklich wollt und ändert gegebenenfalls Euer Leben ^^

    Ich wünsche Euch ein Leben in Harmonie
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