New Server running but...Inventory and Map gone???

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • Hi,
    i just installed the new Server from Steam (changing from standalone to steam) using steamcmd. That works really fine, not a single problem.
    But... as i log in using the steam client for the first time (remember i have been using the standalone client before) i notice i'm in the middle of nowhere and my inventory is empty. Well, no big thing as i didn't have much on me when i left the game before the update. I luckily found a house nearby where i copuld produce a map. Big surprise... the map is empty too???
    I guess it will be a big seek your houses game for me now... Or is there a possibility to recover the map data ?



  • Since you moved to the Steam version after the update, your standalone account is not linked to your SteamID. As a result, you are considered as a new player on the server (since you get a different UID). If you login with your standalone account, you should get your old character back.

    However, you can link your SteamID manually on our homepage (in your profile settings). But since the world was already converted (and your new player is now assigned to your SteamID), you won't get your character back this way unfortunately.

    To get your old character, there are basically two options:

    • Load a backup of your world. If the world wasn't converted yet, you can get your old character back, but make sure to link your standalone account with your Steam account before loading the world (or starting the server)
    • Edit the world database manually with an SQL editor. You could just remove your new entry with your current SteamID and add the SteamID to the correct player instead

    About the map data: it's stored locally, so if you used the standalone before, you have to copy the "Map" folder into your Rising World directory in your Steam folder (steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorld) ;)

  • Ok... works like a charm! I got my map back, took me a few minutes to find out the steam files location under OSX. Its under /users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorld

    Thanks again red51 :thumbsup:

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