Since the update I've had some people mention to me that there are holes in the world they are falling through. I took a look for myself and sure enough, not long after looking I came a few too.
Holes in the world :-O
- yahwho
- Closed
the F10 key doesn't resolve that ? (in creative)
Ahh great I see that does fix the ones I'm looking at.
Problem is they seem to be all over the place and the server is a survival one so players don't have access to the creative mode option.
I'm hoping there is some way I can "repair chunk boarders" across the whole database. . .
The players can repair them by pickaxing or in any other way altering the terrain next to them
Also i think F10 is available to everyone no matter if they are in creative mode or not.
Hmm problem is Minorotrious is that they appear to be all over the place, and people have already died from falling through them. The server keeps track of people survival time, so those who fall have had their survival time reset to zero already.
I'm hoping there is a repair script available? (I.e. to automate the F10 repair function but across all chunks?)
Oh i see don't think there is any way to repair it on the db unfortunately
If your world is not built a lot then you could regenerate it with the same seed and BP all the buildings over, that would fix it but is a big process
There are a few 100 peoples buildings all over the world. . .
just checked too F10 doesnt work without creative mode
In that case I would suggest you contact red51 either here or steam and he will probably be able to fix the database
Right it appears (as far as I can tell so far) to be that newly generate land is OK.
The problem seems to be contained within the "original" spawned land where I had originally set Dungeons and Caves to off.
I had modified the database some time ago to allow new areas to contain Dungeons and caves. Which had worked fine.
It appears though that since the latest update, the areas where there were originally no caves and dungeons now have caves and dungeons! Which is great, but it seems that this is the process which has caused the holes.
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